Minutes: February 12th, 2008





2:00 - 4:15 p.m.


Avani, Nathan

Hayes, Nancy

Rothman, Barry

Behrooz, Maziar

Kohn, Jim

Saffold, Penny

Bloom, Gilda

Landry, Lynette

Salama, Mohammad

Bollapragada, Ramesh

Linder, Martin

Shapiro, Jerald

Chattopadhyay, Sudip

Luna, Debra

Sheldon, James

Cheung, Yitwah

Mahan, Dianne

Shrivastava, Vinay

Chou, Fangyu

McCracken, Bridget

Smith, Alastair

Collins, Robert

Meredith, David

Steier, Saul

Corrigan, Robert

Minami, Masahiko

Stowers, Genie

Danner, Don

Modirzadeh, Hafez

Taylor, Don

Dariotis, Wei Ming

Moody, Laura

Trautman, Ray

Davis, Harvey (Skip)

Morishita, Leroy

Ulasewicz, Connie

Fielden, Ned

Neely, Francis

Whalen, Shawn

Gemello, John

Quita, Isabel

Yang, Nini

Gomes, Ricardo

Rehling, Lu

Yee, Darlene

Gonzales, Dan

Robertson, Bruce

Absences: Armenta,
Isidro (abs); Boyle, Andrea (exc); Chelberg, Gene (exc); DuVal,

(exc); Fuentes, Enrique (abs); Hood, Pamela (abs); Hubbard, Donna

Jaimes-Guerrero, A.J.(abs); Jones, Terry (abs); Levine,
Josh (exc); Suzuki, Dean (abs); Van Dam, Mary Ann (exc).

Guests: Bob Cherry; Helen Goldsmith; Lisa White; Kathleen
Mosier; Maxine Chernoff; Lupe Avila; Linda Buckley; Evelyn Hooker; Sheldon
Axler; Rita Takahashi; Elise Wormuth; Gail Whitaker.


During the
open floor period, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies Helen Goldsmith
announced a meeting "Leaping into the Future" to discuss the future
of the Liberal Studies Program to be held February 29, 1:00-3:00, in HUM 587.
She asked that any Senator planning to attend the meeting RSVP to her office.

CALL TO ORDER: 2:14 p.m.

AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of
the Agenda for February 12, 2008

Senator Ulasewicz moved to
approve the agenda, seconded by Senator McCracken. The motion passed on a
unanimous voice vote.

AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Minutes for the
December 11, 2007

Senator Ulasewicz moved to
approve the minutes for December 11, seconded by Senator Avani. The motion
passed on a unanimous voice vote.


Chair Kohn delivered a brief
memorial for Tom Lantos, a member of the US House of Representatives and an
Emeritus Faculty from the Department of Economics. Dr. Lantos served on the
Senate during his tenure at SF State.

ITEM #3—Report from President Corrigan and VP Morishita: Budget Update

President Corrigan, Provost
Gemello and Vice-President Morishita discussed the 2008-09 campus budget in
light of California's current budget crisis. The key points were (a) the
University could have a deficit around $16.5M depending on final legislative
action; (b) a class schedule for next year will be developed that can be
supported under current budget projections; and (c) all members of the campus
community including faculty, staff, students and alumni are encouraged to write
letters (not e-mails) to their representatives in the California Assembly and
Senate urging restoration of essential funds to CSU. The Senate will host a Town
Hall meeting on the budget later in the spring.

AGENDA ITEM #4—Recommendation from the Academic
Policies Committee: Proposed Policy on Graduate Continuous Enrollment , 2nd Reading—proposal to be heard no later
than 2:40 p.m.

Senator Trautman, with the
support of the Academic Policies Committee, moved to amend the policy by
inserting after the word "semester" on line 26 the phrase: "and
file a new Culminating Experience Proposal". Senator Behrooz seconded.

The motion passed on a voice

Senator Trautman, with the
support of the Academic Policies Committee, moved to amend the policy by adding
a sentence to the paragraph ending on line 5 of page 2: "The Graduate
Council will review the fee-waiver requests and advise the Graduate Division on
these requests." Senator Dariotis seconded.

The amendment passed on a
voice vote.

Senator Trautman, with the
support of the Academic Policies Committee, moved to amend the policy by adding
the following text as a new clause 8 at the end of the policy:

The Division of Graduate Studies
shall submit a report to the Academic Senate at the end of the Spring 2014
semester, which quantifies and analyzes progression-to-graduation rates and
culminating experience completion rates for classified graduate students admitted
in Fall 2006 and in Fall 2008. This Culminating Experience Continuous
Enrollment Policy will expire in Spring 2016, unless the Academic Senate takes
positive action.

Steier seconded.

debating the amendment, Senator Stowers moved to amend the amendment by adding
the phrase: "and the number of students paying the fee" before the
phrase "for classified graduate students admitted in Fall 2006". The
amendment was seconded by Senator Yee.

amendment passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Trautman's amendment then passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Shapiro moved to amend the policy by adding three paragraphs to the end of the

Departments and Schools have the
option of implementing their own individualized continuous enrollment policy.
Based upon the unique professional education/advanced learning circumstances of
that discipline, Departments and Schools have the option of developing
requirements consistent with the purposeful totality of the curriculum,
research, and culminating experience framework profiled to students at the time
of their admission.

Department/School continuous
enrollment policies must be approved by the Dean of the Graduate Division.

A statement of the Continuous
Enrollment Policy, including any financial responsibility incurred by the
student in choosing to depart from the Department's/School's course of graduate
degree completion, will be stated on the GAP.

Steier seconded the motion. Debate on the motion paused to consider the next
item, which had a time-certain of 3:15.

AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Curriculum
Review and Approval Committee: Proposed Revisions to the BA Degree Requirements
for Creative Writing, 1st
Reading—proposal to be heard no later than 3:15 p.m.

Senator Linder moved the
proposed revisions for the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee, with no
second required.

The proposal passed on a
unanimous voice vote.

AGENDA ITEM #4—Recommendation from the Academic
Policies Committee: Proposed Policy on Graduate Continuous Enrollment , 2nd Reading (continued)

The Senate then resumed
discussion of Senator Shapiro's amendment. After considerable debate the motion
failed on a voice vote.

Based on a suggestion from
Dean Whitaker, Senator Trautman moved to amend the policy by replacing
"CEL laboratory unit fee" in paragraph 6 with

"Open University
laboratory unit fee". Senator Stowers seconded.

The motion passed on a
unanimous voice vote.

The continuous enrollment
policy, as amended, was then passed by a voice vote.

AGENDA ITEM #5—Recommendation from the Executive
Committee: Proposed Academic Senate Reapportionment, 1st Reading

This item was carried
forward in first reading from the Senate meeting of December 12, 2007, when it
had been moved.

Senator McCracken moved to
consider the item in second reading, with a second from Senator Steier. The
motion was passed on a unanimous voice vote.

The proposed reapportionment
was then passed by the Senate on a voice vote with abstentions.

AGENDA ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Executive Committee:
Proposed Revision to Academic Senate Bylaws, Section IIC, 1st Reading

Senator Whalen moved this
item for the Executive Committee, with a second from Senator Ulasewicz.

During the discussion
Senator Robertson asked for a quorum call, which failed. Chair Kohn adjourned
the meeting at approximately 4:15 p.m.

Meeting Date (Archive)