Tuesday, February 14, 2012
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
OPEN FLOOR PERIOD: 2:00 - 2:10 p.m.
The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.
Alvarenga, Gabriela
Getz, Trevor
Rothman, Barry
Anderson, David
Ginwala, Cyrus
Rourke, David
Azadpuar, Mohammad
Girouard, Shirley
Salama, Mohammad
Barranco, Joseph
Hanley, Lawrence
Sherwin, Paul
Bartscher, Patricia
Hellman, David
Sigmon, Mark
Beatty, Brian
Holzman, Barbara
Steier, Saul
Bolter, Nicole
Hood, Pamela
Stowers, Genie
Chernoff, Maxine
Hyun, Helen
Strong, Rob
Chen, Lily
Lau, Jenny
Taylor, Don
Cholette, Susan
Li, Wen-Chao
Trautman, Ray
Cleary, John
Linder, Martin
Usowicz, Thaddeus
Collins, Robert
Lopez, Eurania
Vaughn, Pamela
Dariotis, Wei Ming
McCracken, Bridget
Wang, Lihua
Drennan, Marie
Privé, Alice
Yee-Melichar, Darlene
Ferreira, Jason
Rosser, Sue V.
Absences: Boyle, Andrea (exc); Corrigan, Robert (exc); Davis, Harvey “Skip” (exc); Gamboa, Yolanda (abs); Gutierrez III, Andrew (abs); Hayes, Nancy (exc); Henderson, Barbara (exc); Ozluk, Ozgur (leave Spring 2012); Vredenburg, Vance (leave Spring 2012); Wagner, Venise (leave Spring 2012); Wanek, Linda (exc)
Guests: Sacha Bunge, Maggie Beers, Gene Chelberg, Husam Erciyes, Jared Giarrusso, Helen Goldsmith, Wendy Johnson, Lisbet Sunshine, Shawn Whalen
With a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order.
Announcements were made.
AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for January 31, 2012
The Minutes were Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for February 14, 2012
The Agenda was Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report
The Academic Senate heard a Chair’s Report on the importance of collegiality and campus visits during searches.
AGENDA ITEM #4—Report from Director of Government Relations Lisbet Sunshine
The Academic Senate heard a Report from Director of Government Relations Lisbet Subshine. The following concerns and questions were asked:
1. How might the three segments of higher education going to work together to ensure integrity in our curricula?
2. What are we doing - as a system and locally - to nurture important relationships?
3. What are we doing - locally and statewide - to reach parents of future CSU students?
4. Has the CSU taken a stance on disparities in how funds have been allocated to other entities within California (e.g., prisons, etc.)?
AGENDA ITEM #5—Report from Book Store Manager, Rob Strong & Text Book Specialist, Wendy Johnson: Update on Affordable Textbooks Initiative—Senate Resolution
The Academic Senate heard a report from Book Store Manager, Rob Strong & Text Book Specialist, Wendy Johnson: Update on Affordable Textbooks Initiative. Thirteen initiatives were discussed. The following concerns and questions were raised:
1. What is being done about the most expensive textbooks?
2. What is being done to achieve the goals of the CSU initiative on Affordable Learning?
3. How is the bookstore’s bottom line? Is there a public profit and loss statement available?
4. To what extent is the impact on publishers and quality control in the industry being discussed?
5. Is it possible for the Bookstore to donate copies of textbooks that cost over one hundred dollars to the library?
6. Are there any examples from other universities with model programs that donate books of a certain cost to the library?
7. Is there a discussion of software and technology costs associated with books?
8. Is anything being done in the bookstore to offer better pricing for books published by university faculty?
AGENDA ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Executive Committee—Proposed University Reapportionment for Academic Senate Representation—1st Reading
Senator McCracken moved and explained the Item. The Item was discussed. Senator Holzman motioned to move the Item to Second Reading. The motion carried. The vote was called to Approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Library Advisory Committee Policy—1st Reading
Senator Getz moved and explained the Item. The Item was discussed. The Item will return at a future meeting.
AGENDA ITEM #8—Recommendation from Curriculum Review & Approval Committee: Proposed Minor in Persian Studies, 1st Reading
Senator Stowers moved and explained the Item. The Item was discussed. Senator Salama motioned to move the item to Second Reading. The motion carried. Senator Collins moved to Call the Question. The vote was called to Approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #9—Recommendation from Curriculum Review & Approval Committee: Proposed Online Education Policy, 1st Reading
Senator Stowers moved and explained the Item and associated revisions. The Item was discussed. The Item will return at a future meeting.
AGENDA ITEM #10—Adjournment—no later than 5:00p.m.
The Academic Senate adjourned at 4:08p.m.