Tuesday, February 28,
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
The Open Floor Period
provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make
comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.
Alvarenga, Gabriela |
Gamboa, Yolanda |
Salama, Mohammad |
Anderson, David |
Getz, Trevor |
Serber, Stacy |
Azadpuar, Mohammad |
Ginwala, Cyrus |
Sherwin, Paul |
Barranco, Joseph |
Hanley, Lawrence |
Sigmon, Mark |
Bartscher, Patricia |
Hayes, Nancy |
Steier, Saul |
Beatty, Brian |
Hellman, David |
Stowers, Genie |
Bolter, Nicole |
Henderson, |
Strong, Rob |
Chernoff, Maxine |
Holzman, Barbara |
Trautman, Ray |
Cholette, Susan |
Li, Wen-Chao |
Usowicz, Thaddeus |
Collins, Robert |
Linder, Martin |
Vaughn, Pamela |
Dariotis, Wei Ming |
Lopez, Eurania |
Wanek, Linda |
Drennan, Marie |
Privé, Alice |
Wang, Lihua |
Ferreira, Jason |
Rothman, Barry |
Absences: Boyle, Andrea (exc);
Guests: Linda Buckley; Sacha Bunge, Gene Chelberg, Bruce Heiman, Husam Erciyes, Helen Goldsmith, Wendy Johnson, Shawn Whalen |
With a quorum being present, the meeting
was called to order.
were made.
AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for February 14, 2012
The Minutes were Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for February 28, 2012
The Agenda was Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report
The Academic Senate heard a
report from Chair Vaughn on looking to the future and future Academic Senate
AGENDA ITEM #4—Report form CFA Chapter President, Wei Ming Dariotis
The Academic Senate heard a
report from CFA Chapter President, Wei Ming Dariotis
on the process of collective bargaining, an update on current contract
negotiations, and chapter building.
The following concerns and
questions were raised:
1. Is
it not important for the union to get a contract instead of supporting a ballot
2. Are
we at the point of final impasse?
Where are we in the negotiation process?
3. Does
the CFA have any opinions or statements on the most recent decisions by the CSU
Board of Trustees?
4. What
plans might the union have for addressing our current
situation and potential layoffs in the future?
5. Who
is actually sponsoring the “Day of Action”? Has it been posted on Facebook,
Twitter, or the CFA website?
AGENDA ITEM #5—Report from Senate Appointees to Franciscan
Shops Board of Directors, Bruce Heiman and David
The Academic Senate heard a
report from Senate Appointees to Franciscan Shops Board of Directors, Bruce Heiman and David Hellman.
The following concerns and
questions were raised:
1. How
long has Franciscan Shops been giving donations to the university?
2. What
are the benefits of having a private bookstore run the campus bookstore?
AGENDA ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Executive Committee:
Proposed Library Advisory Committee Policy—2nd Reading
The Item was discussed. Senator
Collins moved to “Call the Question”. The motion carried. The voted was called.
The motion carried. The recommendation was Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from Curriculum Review &
Approval Committee: Proposed Online Education Policy, 1st Reading
Senator Stowers
explained the policy. The Item was discussed. Senator Salama
motioned to move the Item to Second Reading. The motion failed. The Item will
return at a future meeting in first reading.
The following questions were
1. Why
do we need an Online Education Policy? What added value does a new policy have?
To what extent does this new policy apply to all
The differences between current education policy
and this new Online Education Policy need to be taken into consideration.
AGENDA ITEM #8—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs
Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Retention, Tenure & Promotion Policy,
Academic Senate Policy #F11-241, 1st Reading
Senator Salama
moved and explained the Item. The Item was discussed. The Item will return at a
future meeting.
The following questions were
1. Is
it possible to have the colleges select their own representatives?
2. Is
it possible to address the threshold currently set so that it is proportional
given college restructuring?
3. Is
it possible to address the logic behind the implied workload within this policy?
4. It
is possible to examine what constitutes a majority within the policy?
5. It
is possible to examine the service terms of UTPC members? Should the terms be
6. Is
it possible to have member from - or familiar with - the areas and fields
within Creative Arts and Liberal Studies?
7. Is
there a reason that the committee must have a fixed size?
8. Is
it possible to have college level committees instead of a university level
AGENDA ITEM #9—Adjournment—no later than 5:00p.
The Academic Senate
adjourned at 3:42 p.m.