TUESDAY, March 11, 2008
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Avani, Nathan |
Landry, Lynette |
Salama, Mohammad |
Behrooz, Maziar |
Linder, Martin |
Shapiro, Jerald |
Boyle, Andrea |
Luna, Debra |
Sheldon, James |
Chattopadhyay, Sudip |
Mahan, Dianne |
Shrivastava, Vinay |
Chelberg, Gene |
McCracken, Bridget |
Smith, Alastair |
Collins, Robert |
Meredith, David |
Steier, Saul |
Danner, Don |
Minami, Masahiko |
Stowers, Genie |
Dariotis, Wei Ming |
Modirzadeh, Hafez |
Taylor, Don |
DuVal, Derethia |
Moody, Laura |
Trautman, Ray |
Fielden, Ned |
Neely, Francis |
Ulasewicz, Connie |
Gomes, Ricardo |
Quita, Isabel |
Van Dam, Mary Ann |
Gonzales, Dan |
Rehling, Lu |
Whalen, Shawn |
Hayes, Nancy |
Robertson, Bruce |
Yang, Nini |
Kohn, Jim |
Rothman, Barry |
Absences: Armenta, |
Fuentes, Enrique (abs); Gemello, John (exc); Hubbard, |
Levine, Josh (exc); Morishita, Leroy (abs); Saffold, Penny Yee, Darlene (exc). |
Guests: Bob Cherny; Helen Goldsmith; Patty Bartscher; |
FLOOR PERIOD: 2:00 - 2:10 p.m.
Ramon Castellblanch,
President of the SF State California Faculty Association, announced an
all-campus meeting in support of the SF State and CSU budget to be held
12:00-1:30 on Monday, March 17, in McKenna Hall with overflow space in Jack
Adams Hall. Speakers will include Chair of the Board of Trustees Roberta
Achtenberg, President Robert Corrigan, State Senator Leland Yee and others.
TO ORDER: 2:15
ITEM #1—Approval of the Agenda for March 11, 2008
Senator Shrivastava moved
approval of the agenda, with a second from Senator Salama. The motion passed on
a unanimous voice vote.
ITEM #2—Approval of the Minutes for the February 26, 2008
Senator Dariotis noted an
omission in the report from the Task Force on Social Justice and Equity. Under
point 3, the minutes read: "An event hosted by Academic Affairs should be
staged each (such as ...)...". The Secretary corrected this passage by
adding the word "year" after "each".
With this correction, Senator Behrooz moved approval of the minutes, with a
second from Senator Rothman. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.
AGENDA ITEM #3—Report from Linda Buckley, AVP of Academic
Planning and Educational Effectiveness—CUSP Committee Reports Internationalizing
the Curriculum
Associate Vice President
Linda Buckley presented a report from the task force assessing CUSP II Goal 4:
Internationalization. Four recommendations from the task force have been
approved by the President's Cabinet:
1. Create an
international/global graduation requirement
2. Make the
Office of International Programs the central, one-stop location for all things
3. Create an international faculty community.a.
Reinstitute an international faculty fraternity or organizationb.
Create a database for tracking faculty research and activities abroad.
Increase international marketing efforts
ITEM #4—Report from Susan Shimanoff, Chair, Graduation Requirements Task
Force—Educational Goals for the Baccalaureate Degree at San Francisco State
Professor Susan Shimanoff
presented a preliminary report from the Graduation Requirements Task Force that
focused on the development of educational goals for the baccalaureate.
Dr. Shimanoff reviewed the history of the Task Force, which was established by
Senate policy F05-237. The Educational Goals statement is the first step for
the Task Force is developing its recommendations to the Senate for changes to
the requirements for the Baccalaureate with a focus on all-university
requirements including General Education.
ITEM #5—Recommendation from the Executive Committee—Proposed Resolution to
Endorse the Educational Goals for the Baccalaureate Degree at San Francisco
State, 1st Reading
The Resolution was put on
the floor by Chair Kohn. The Senate held a vigorous debate on the Educational
Goals and how the Senate should address them. Senator Avani moved the
resolution to second reading, with a second from Senator Robertson. The motion
passed on a unanimous voice vote. Senator Rothman then moved to amend line 17
by changing the phrase: "endorses the document" to: "endorses
GRTF's effort toward crafting the document". The amendment was seconded by
Senator Steier. It failed on a voice vote with three abstentions. Senator
Fielden moved to amend the same passage to read: "endorses the spirit,
principles and directions in the document". The amendment was seconded by
Senator Steier. The amendment failed 19-21. The resolution then passed on a
voice vote with three abstentions.
ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee:
Proposed Revisions to the Undergraduate Management Minor, 1st Reading—proposal to be heard no later
than 3:20 p.m.
The revisions were moved by
Senator Linder, with no second required. Speaking for the proposal were
Associate Dean Colvin from the College of Business and Professor Tom Staley,
Chair of the Department of Management. Senator Chelberg moved the revisions to
second reading, with a second from Senator Ulasewicz. The Senate moved the item
to second reading on a unanimous voice vote. The revisions then passed on a
unanimous voice vote.
ITEM #8—Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee:
Proposed Revisions to the Bachelor of Science Degree in Hospitality Management,
1st Reading—proposal to be heard no
later than 3:35p.m.
The revisions were moved by
Senator Linder, with no second required. Speaking for the proposal were
Associate Dean Colvin from the College of Business and Professor Janet Sims,
Chair of the Department of Hospitality Management. Senator Steier moved the
revisions to second reading, with a second from Senator Ulasewicz. The Senate
moved the item to second reading on a unanimous voice vote. The revisions then
passed on a unanimous voice vote.
ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Strategic Issues Committee—Proposed Policy on
Mandatory Review of Academic Senate Policies, 1st Reading
Item #6 was delayed until
the time-certain items #7 and #8 had been completed.
The proposed policy was
moved by Senator Stowers, with no second required. Senator Steier asked how
policies for review would be assigned to standing committees. Senator Stowers
said that the Executive Committee would make the assignments. Senator Steier
moved the revisions to second reading, with a second from Senator Ulasewicz.
The Senate moved the item to second reading on a unanimous voice vote. The
policy then passed on a unanimous voice vote.
ITEM #9—Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Policy on
Repeat Courses, 1st Reading
This item was debated in
first reading and will return in second reading at the next meeting.
ITEM #10—Adjournment
Senator Chelberg moved to adjourn, with a second from
Senator Salama. The Senate voted unanimously to adjourn at 4:32.