Minutes: March 22nd, 2011



TUESDAY, March 22,


2:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Alameida, Marshall

Girouard, Shirley

Nguyen, Flora

Arnoldy, Tod

Gubeladze, Joseph

Ozluk, Ozgur

Avani, Nathan

Hanley, Lawrence

Runquist, Beth

Azadpur, Mohammad


Rothman, Barry

Bartscher, Patricia

Holzman, Barbara

Rourke, David

Beatty, Brian

Hood, Pamela

Rosegard, Erik

Boyle, Andrea

Hyun, Helen

Rosser, Sue V.

Bugayong, Arlene

Jeung, Russell

Runquist, Beth

Burke, Adam

Jin, Leigh

Ruotolo, Cristina

Chen, Yu-Charn

Lau, Jenny

Salama, Mohammad

Cheung, Yitwah

Levy, Eileen

Sherwin, Paul

Chernoff, Maxine

Li, Wen-Chao

Sinha, Dipendra

Collins, Robert

Linder, Martin

Stowers, Genie

Dariotis, Wei Ming

Lopez, Eurania

Taylor, Don

Davila, Brigitte

Lopez, Thania

Trautman, Ray

Drennan, Marie


Vaughn, Pamela

Flores, Oscar

Moody, Laura

Wagner, Venise

Getz, Trevor

Morishita, Leroy

Whalen, Shawn

Ginwala, Cyrus

Morris, Nikolai

Yee, Darlene

Absences: Corrigan, Robert (exc);
Danner, Don (abs); Davis, Harvey “Skip” (exc); Flatt, Sylvia (exc); Hussain, Mahmood (exc); Hellman, David (leave S11); Steier,
Saul (leave S11)

Guests: Derek Aitken, Gene Chelberg,
Wanda Lee, Helen Goldsmith, Gail Evans, Natalia Bremer, Ann Hallum

2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period
provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make
comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.

With a quorum being present, the meeting
was called to order.


were made.

AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for March 8, 2011

The Minutes were approved.

AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for March 22, 2011

Senator Levy motioned to
remove Item 5 from the Agenda. The motion was Seconded
by Senator Vaughn. The vote was called to remove the Item. The motion carried.
The vote was called to approve the Agenda as amended. The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM #3 —Report on New
Restructuring Proposal

Chair Whalen
discussed the Item. The following questions were raised:

1. What
is the role of UPAC in the reorganization process?

2. What
is the value of having the Referendum?

3. What
was the rationale for moving departments into the Humanities?

AGENDA ITEM #4 —Report from
Executive Vice President Leroy Morishita and
Associate Director of Government Relations Derek Aitken: Developments Regarding the 2011-2012
California Budget

The Academic Senate heard
a comprehensive report from Vice President Leroy Morishita
and Associate Director of Government Relations Derek Aitken. The following
questions were raised:

How can the students, faculty,
and staff can work together on the special election?

How is the campus absorbing the $18 million

How are enrollment targets being addressed?

How can one make an informed decision on the
Referendum given the current budget situation?

What exactly is being done in terms of
administration and other resources that shows “shared
suffering” during this budget crisis?

What are we learning from this situation about
our relationship with Sacramento?

What are the trends in enrollment applications?

Is the university looking into others means for
acquiring revenue?

How do we compare with other states that are
experiencing similar budget issues?

10. Is
it possible to teach how the state government works?

11. Why
are classes being cut if we are able to “hold the line” through next year?

AGENDA ITEM #5—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs
Committee: Proposed Revisions to
the Policy on Selection, Appointment, and Review of Department Chairs and

Equivalent Unit Directors, 2nd Reading - (Item Removed)

AGENDA ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Academic Policies
Committee: Proposed Time Limit for Completing Undergraduate Degree
Requirements, 2nd Reading

Senator Lopez moved and
discussed the revisions to the Item. The vote was called. The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Executive Committee:
Proposed Resolution in Support of the Academic Senate at Idaho State
University, 1st Reading

Senator Dariotis
moved and discussed the Item. Senator Vaughn motioned to move the Item to
Second Reading. The vote was called. The motion carried. The vote was called to
approve the Resolution in Support of the Academic Senate at Idaho State
University. The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM#8—Recommendation from the Student Affairs
Committee: Proposal to Rescind
Academic Senate Policy #S91-168, Advising for Probationary Students, 1st

Senator McCracken moved and discussed the Item.
Senator Rourke motioned to move the Item into Second
Reading. The motion carried. The vote was called to Rescind Academic Senate
Policy #S91-168. The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM #9—Adjourned
- 3:37p.m.

Meeting Date (Archive)