Minutes: April 1st, 2008





2:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Avani, Nathan

Kohn, Jim

Salama, Mohammad

Behrooz, Maziar

Kothari, Krupa

Shapiro, Jerald

Bloom, Gilda

Linder, Martin

Sheldon, James

Boyle, Andrea

Luna, Debra

Shrivastava, Vinay

Chattopadhyay, Sudip

Mahan, Dianne

Smith, Alastair

Collins, Robert

McCracken, Bridget

Steier, Saul

Corrigan, Robert

Meredith, David

Stowers, Genie

Danner, Don

Minami, Masahiko

Levine, Josh

Dariotis, Wei Ming

Modirzadeh, Hafez

Trautman, Ray

DuVal, Derethia

Moody, Laura

Ulasewicz, Connie

Fielden, Ned

Neely, Francis

Van Dam, Mary Ann

Gomes, Ricardo

Quita, Isabel

Whalen, Shawn

Gonzales, Dan

Rehling, Lu

Yang, Nini

Hayes, Nancy

Robertson, Bruce

Harvey, Davis (skip)

Saffold, Penny

Absences: Bollapragada,
Ramesh (exc); Cheung, Yitwah (abs); Chou, Fangyu (exc);

Gemello, John (exc); Taylor, Don (exc), Chelberg, Gene
(exc), Rothman, Barry (abs)

Morishita, Leroy (abs); Suzuki, Dean (exc); Yee, Darlene
(exc). Landry, Lynette

Guests: Helen Goldsmith; Linda Buckley; Gail Evans

CALL TO ORDER: 2:16 p.m.

#1—Approval of the Agenda for April 1, 2008

Chair Kohn
announced that item #4, WASC update, would be postponed to a later meeting.
Senator McCracken moved to add a new item #4, a resolution endorsing Emergency
Preparedness Week. Senator Stowers seconded. The agenda change was accepted by
unanimous voice vote.

ITEM #2—Approval of the Minutes for the March 11, 2008

Senator Bloom asked that her attendance at the
March 11 meeting be recorded in the minutes. Then the minutes were approved by
unanimous voice vote.

AGENDA ITEM #3—Report from Chief Kirk Gaston, Department of
Public Safety and Gayle Orr-Smith, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator—SF
State’s Emergency Preparedness Week, April 7-11, 2008—report to be heard no
later than 2:20 p.m.

The Senate heard a
report from Police Chief Kirk Gaston and Emergency
Preparations Coordinator Gayle Orr-Smith about Emergency Preparedness Week,
which will take place April 7-11. During the week there will be an "active
shooter drill" in the Student Services Building. More information about
Emergency Preparedness Week can be found at: http://www.sfsu.edu/~news/2008/spring/33.html

AGENDA ITEM #4—Report from Linda Buckley, AVP of Academic
Planning and Educational Effectiveness— Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Update—report to be heard no
later than 2:40 p.m.

This item was replaced by

ITEM #4—Resolution in Support of Emergency Preparedness Week April 7-11, 2008

Senator McCracken moved the resolution with a second from
Senator Stowers. Senator Behrooz moved the item to second reading, with a second
from Senator Van Dam. The move to second reading passed by unanimous voice
vote. The resolution then passed by unanimous voice vote.

Before introducing item #5,
Chair Kohn introduced Dr. Gail Evans, the newly appointed Dean of Undergraduate
Studies, to the Senate.

#5—Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Policy on
Repeat Courses, 2nd Reading— proposal to be heard no later
than 3:00 p.m.

Senator Steier moved to amend paragraph 12 by revising it to
read: Requests for exceptions to this policy require the consent of the
department chair of the department in which the course is
offered and the college dean of that college.
Second by Senator Shrivastava. The amendment passed by unanimous voice vote.
During further discussion Senator Trautman, the Chair of the Academic Policies
Committee which proposed the policy, said that he believed that chairs and
deans had the authority to override the 24-unit limit in the policy. Then the
policy passed by voice vote with one abstention.

ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee: Proposed Clerical
Updates, 1st Reading

Senator Ulasewicz moved this item for the Faculty Affairs
Committee. Senator Steier moved the item to second reading with a second from
Senator Van Dam. The motion failed with 23 yeas and 13 nays, 2/3 required. Both
before and after the vote, there was considerable discussion as to whether the
Senate was too often combining first and second readings in a single meeting.

AGENDA ITEM #7— Discussion Item: Review of
Intellectual Property Concepts—Guest speaker Professor Miriam Smith, Broadcast
and Electronic Communication Arts—no later than 3:40 p.m.

Dr. Smith
presented an overview of intellectual property rights for students, staff and
faculty and answered questions from the floor.

AGENDA ITEM #8—Adjournment—

At 4:00 Senator Steier moved to adjourn, with a second
from Senator Salama. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Meeting Date (Archive)