Tuesday, April 17, 2012
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
OPEN FLOOR PERIOD: 2:00 - 2:10 p.m.
The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.
Alvarenga, Gabriela |
Ferreira, Jason |
Rosser, Sue V. |
Anderson, David |
Gamboa, Yolanda |
Rourke, David |
Azadpuar, Mohammad |
Getz, Trevor |
Salama, Mohammad |
Barranco, Joseph |
Ginwala, Cyrus |
Serber, Stacy |
Bartscher, Patricia |
Hanley, Lawrence |
Sherwin, Paul |
Beatty, Brian |
Hayes, Nancy |
Sigmon, Mark |
Bolter, Nicole |
Hellman, David |
Steier, Saul |
Boyle, Andrea |
Henderson, Barbara |
Stowers, Genie |
Chernoff, Maxine |
Holzman, Barbara |
Taylor, Don |
Chen, Lily |
Hyun, Helen |
Trautman, Ray |
Cleary, John |
Lau, Jenny |
Vaughn, Pamela |
Cholette, Susan |
Li, Wen-Chao |
Wanek, Linda |
Collins, Robert |
Lopez, Eurania |
Wang, Lihua |
Dariotis, Wei Ming |
McCracken, Bridget |
Drennan, Marie |
Privé, Alice |
Absences: Corrigan, Robert (exc); Davis, Harvey “Skip” (exc); Gutierrez III, Andrew (abs); Hood, Pamela (abs); Linder, Martin (exc); Ozluk, Ozgur (leave Spring 2012); Rothman, Barry(abs); Strong, Rob (exc); Usowicz, Thaddeus (exc); Vredenburg, Vance (leave Spring 2012); Wagner, Venise (leave Spring 2012); Yee-Melichar, Darlene (exc) |
Guests: Alvin Alvarez; Rene Dahl, Gail Evans, Helen Goldsmith, Ann Hallum, Derethia DuVal
With a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order.
Announcements were made.
AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for April 3, 2012
The Item was discussed. The Minutes were Approved.
AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for April 17, 2012
The Item was discussed. Senator Hanley moved to include a new Item 14: Course Repeat Policy. The vote was called. The motion carried. The vote was called for Approve the Agenda as Amended. The Agenda was Approved as Amended.
AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report
The Academic Senate heard a Chairs Report from Chair Vaughn on the importance of civil communication.
AGENDA ITEM #4—Update from CFA Chapter President Wei Ming Dariotis
The Academic Senate heard an update from CFA Chapter President Wei Ming Dariotis. The following concerns and questions were raised:
1. Senator Dariotis encouraged senators to send comments and feedback on the update by email.
AGENDA ITEM #5—Update on ORSP Activities from Associate Vice President Jaylan Turkkan
The Academic Senate heard an update from ORSP Activities from Associate Vice President Jaylan Turkkan. The following concerns and questions were raised:
1. What is the climate of policy and procedures for faculty interested in getting involved?
2. Chair Vaughn encouraged further comments and feedback on the update to be sent by email to Associate Vice President Turkkan.
AGENDA ITEM #6 - Academic Senate Elections (Time Certain 2:50 p.m.)
1. Baccalaureate Degree Requirements Committee (BRC)—Senate Representative, 1-year term
o The Academic Senate held elections.
o Cyrus Ginwa
2. Board of Appeals & Review (BoAR)—2 Faculty Representatives, 2-year terms
o The Academic Senate held elections.
3. Enrollment Management Committee—Department Chair, and 1 Faculty Rep, 3-year terms
o The Academic Senate held elections.
4. Graduate Council—2 Faculty Representatives, 2-year terms
o The Academic Senate held elections.
5. University Budget Committee—3 Faculty Representatives, 3-year terms
o The Academic Senate held elections.
§ Elections were held for the first Faculty Representative position.
§ After the First Vote, Castellblanch. Collins, Egan, and Ichimura.
§ After the Second Vote, Castellblanch, Collins, and Egan remained.
§ After the Third Vote Collins wins.
§ Elections were held for the second Faculty Representative position.
§ After the First Vote, Castellblanch and Ichimura remained.
§ After the Second Vote, Castellblanch wins.
§ Elections were held for the third Faculty Representative position.
§ After the First Vote, Egan and Ichimura remain.
§ After the Second Vote, Ichimura wins.
1. Are there any staffing and workload issues that the senators should consider during discussion?
6. How much revenue will this certificate program generate?
7. What motivates one to believe that a screenwriting course can be taught well online?
1. Is it possible to see the financial implications associated with the curriculum in the proposal?
3. To what extent do we need to begin examining the financial implications of curriculum proposals?
4. There is little to no transparency on resources.
5. What resources are being accumulated to ensure writing across the curriculum?
6. How can we be involved in assessing program viability without examining fiscal issues?
1. Does a recommendation make a policy a policy?
2. Has the committee considered weighing the criteria as discussed in Section III Line 47?
3. What would happen if EPC or the Academic Senate did not support discontinuance?
4. What would happen to faculty during discontinuance?
5. What is the rationale behind the summer process? This needs to be clear.
7. Is it possible to consider expanding the clause “from budget crisis” to “crisis”?
9. Chair Vaughn encouraged senators to send further comments to the committee.
1. Is it possible for the committee to consider the deletion of Lines 274-277?
3. To what extent is interdisciplinary collaboration part of the culture of this campus?
2. How does one interpret credit/no-credit at the graduate level?
AGENDA ITEM #14—Adjournment—no later than 5:00p.
The Academic Senate adjourned at 4:22 p.m.