TUESDAY, April 26,
2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
The Open Floor Period
provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make
comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.
Arnoldy, Tod |
Hanley, Lawrence |
Morris, Nikolai |
Avani, Nathan |
Hellman, David |
Ozluk, Ozgur |
Azadpur, Mohammad |
Henderson, |
Runquist, Beth |
Beatty, Brian |
Hood, Pamela |
Rothman, Barry |
Bugayong, Arlene |
Holzman, Barbara |
Rosegard, Erik |
Chen, Yu-Charn |
Hussain, Mahmood |
Rosser, Sue V |
Cheung, Yitwah |
Hyun, Helen |
Rourke, David |
Chernoff, Maxine |
Jeung, Russell |
Runquist, Beth |
Collins, Robert |
Jin, Leigh |
Ruotolo, Cristina |
Dariotis, Wei |
Lau, Jenny |
Sinha, Dipendra |
Davila, Brigitte |
Levy, Eileen |
Stowers, Genie |
Drennan, Marie |
Li, Wen-Chao |
Taylor, Don |
Flores, Oscar |
Linder, Martin |
Trautman, Ray |
Getz, Trevor |
Lopez, Eurania |
Vaughn, Pamela |
Ginwala, Cyrus |
Lopez, Thania |
Wagner, Venise |
Nguyen, Flora |
McCracken, |
Whalen, Shawn |
Girouard, Shirley |
Moody, Laura |
Yee, Darlene |
Gubeladze, Joseph |
Morishita, Leroy |
Absences: Alameida, Marshall (exc); Bartscher, |
Guests: Caran Colvin, Betty Blecha, Wendy Johnson, |
With a quorum being present, the meeting
was called to order.
were made.
AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for April 12, 2011
The Minutes were approved.
AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for April 26, 2011
The Agenda was approved.
AGENDA ITEM #3—Information Item: Temporary Suspension of the Business
Administration’s Concentration & Minor in Entrepreneurial/Small Business,
BS Program
The Item was discussed.
AGENDA ITEM #4—Recommendation from the Academic Policies
Committee: Proposal to Temporarily Suspend Academic Senate Policy on the Designation
of Colleges and the Redefinition of Schools & Departments#S94-190, through
December 31st, 2011 , 2nd Reading
Senator Getz moved and explained
the revisions to the Item. The Item was discussed. The vote was called to
approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #5—Recommendation from the Student Affairs
Committee: Proposed Resolution Calling for the Creation of an Affordable
Textbook Task Force, 2nd Reading
Senator McCracken moved and
explained the revisions to the Item. The Item was discussed. The vote was
called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM#6—Recommendation from the Academic Policies
Committee: Proposed Revisions to
the Perpetual Academic Calendar Policy, #S07-242, 2nd Reading
Sentor Getz moved and explained
the revisions to the Item. The Item was discussed. Senator Getz moved to delete
“All other classes will be cancelled.” in line 15 and replaced the statement
with “No other classes will meet.”. The motion was Second by Senator Hellman.
The vote was called to approve the Amendment. The motion carried. The vote was
called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs
Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Selection, Appointment, and
Review of Department Chairs and Equivalent Unit Directors, #S00-145, 1st Reading
Senator Levy moved and explained
the Item. The Item was discussed and suggestions were given for revisions. The
Item will return in Second Reading at future Academic Senate meeting.
ITEM#8—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Resolution Honoring Dr.
Yukihiro Goto & the Office of International Programs, 1st
Senator Vaughn moved and explained the Item. Senator Vaughn
moved that the Item be approved by Acclamation. The Item was approved by
AGENDA ITEM #9—Recommendation from the Student Affairs
Committee: Proposed Resolution on Standardized Student Response System
Clickers, 1st Reading
Senator McCracken moved and
explained the Item. The Item was discussed. The Academic Senate heard a
comprehensive presentation from Dr. Blacker and Mr. Kelley on Clickers and
engaged in a clicker usage exercise. Senator Morris motioned to move the Item
to Second Reading. The motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote was
called. The motion carried. Senator Girouard motioned to change Item Line 44
from “Clicker Pedagogy” to “Technology and Classroom Teaching”. The Amendment
was discussed. The vote was called to approve the amendment. The motion was defeated.
Senator Hanley motioned to strike the “Resolved” in Lines 43 and 44. The motion
was seconded by Senator Hanley. The motion carried. The vote was called to
approve the Amendment. The motion carried. The vote was called to approve the
Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #10— Recommendation from the Curriculum Review
& Approval Committee: Proposed
Revisions to the BA in Recreation, Parks, & Tourism Administration, 1st
Senator Stowers moved and explained the Item. The Item was
discussed. Senator Holzman motioned to move the Item to Second Reading. The
motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote was called. The motion
carried. The vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #11— Recommendation from the Curriculum Review
& Approval Committee: Proposed
Revisions to the BA & Minor in Anthropology, 1st Reading
Senator Stowers moved and
explained the Item. The Item was discussed. Senator Holzman motioned to move
the Item to Second Reading. The motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The
vote was called. The motion carried. The vote was called to approve the Item.
The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #12—Recommendation from the Curriculum Review
& Approval Committee: Proposed New
Concentration in Energy Systems for the MS Program in Engineering, 1st
Senator Stowers moved and
explained the Item. The Item was discussed. Senator Sinha motioned to move the
Item to Second Reading. The motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote
was called. The motion carried. The vote was called to approve the Item. The
motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #13—Recommendation from the Educational Policies
Council: Proposed Discontinuance to
the Minor in Ethnographic Methods in Anthropology, 1st Reading
Senator Getz moved and explained
the Item. Senator Vaughn motioned to move the Item to Second Reading. The
motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote was called. The motion
carried. The vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #14—Recommendation
from the Educational Policies Council:
Proposed Discontinuance of the BS in Business Administration’s
Concentration in Electronic Commerce Systems, BS Program, 1st
Senator Getz moved and explained
the Item. Senator Rosegard motioned to move the Item to Second Reading. The
motion was Seconded by Senator Vaughn. The vote was called. The motion carried.
The vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
ITEM #15—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Meeting Schedule for 2011-2012,
1st Reading
Senator McCracken moved and
explained the Item. Senator Vaughn motioned to move the Item to Second Reading.
The motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote was called. The motion
carried. The vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #16—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs
Committee: Proposed Policy to Create a Fellowship Committee, 1st
Senator Levy moved and explained
the Item. The Item was discussed. The Academic Senate heard further explanation
on the Item from Dr. Joy Viveros. Senator Davila motioned to move the Item to
Second Reading. The motion was Seconded by Senator Hellman. The vote was
called. The motion carried. The
vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #17—Recommendation from the Student Affairs
Committee: Proposed Resolution on
Sustainable Transportation, 1st Reading
Senator McCracken moved and
explained the Item. Senator Nguyen motioned to move the Item to Second Reading.
The motion was Seconded by Senator Collins. The vote was called. The motion
carried. Senator Davila motioned to strike the word “continue” in line 46 and
replace it with “continue to expand”.
The motion was Seconded by Senator McCracken. The motion carried. The
vote was called to approve the Item. The motion carried.
ITEM #18—Adjournment—no later than 5:00p.m.
The Academic Senate Meeting adjourned at