Minutes: October 9th, 2007





2:00 - 4:30 p.m.


Armenta, Isidro

Fuentes, Enrique

Neely, Francis

Avani, Nathan

Garfield, Diane

Robertson, Bruce

Behrooz, Maziar

Gomes, Ricardo

Saffold, Penny

Bloom, Gilda

Hayes, Nancy

Salama, Mohammad

Bollapragada, Ramesh

Jones, Terry

Shapiro, Jerald

Chattopadhyay, Sudip

Kohn, Jim

Shrivastava, Vinay

Chelberg, Gene

Levine, Josh

Smith, Alastair

Cheung, Yitwah

Linder, Martin

Steier, Saul

Chou, Fangyu

Luna, Debra

Stowers, Genie

Collins, Robert

Mahan, Dianne

Suzuki, Dean

Danner, Don

McCracken, Bridget

Taylor, Don

Dariotis, Wei Ming

Meredith, David

Trautman, Ray

Davis, Harvey (Skip)

Minami, Masahiko

Ulasewicz, Connie

DuVal, Derethia

Modirzadeh, Hafez

Van Dam, Mary Ann

Fielden, Ned

Moody, Laura

Whalen, Shawn

Yang, Nini

Absences: Boyle,
Andrea (exc); Corrigan, Robert (exc); Gemello, John (exc); Gonzales, Dan

Hood, Pamela (abs);Hubbard, Donna (abs); Jaimes-Guerrero,
A.J. (abs); Landry, Lynette (abs);

Morishita, Leroy (exc); Rothman, Barry (abs);Rehling, Lu
(abs); Sheldon, James (exc); Williams, Robert (exc); Yee, Darlene (exc)

Guests: Patricia
Bartscher; Helen Goldsmith; Bob Cherny; Linda Buckley; Natalie Franklin; Ann
Hallum; Kathleen Mosier; Rick Nizzardini

meeting was opened with a demonstration of a spectacular oscillating chemical
reaction by Senator Raymond Trautman of the Department of Chemistry.

FLOOR PERIOD: 2:00 - 2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period
provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make
comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please
arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.

TO ORDER: 2:15


were no announcements

#1—Approval of the Agenda for October 9, 2007

The agenda was approved.

#2—Approval of the Minutes for the Academic Senate meeting on September 25,

Minutes are attached on GREEN.

The minutes were approved.

from Kirk Gaston, Chief of Police, University Police Department: Introduction
of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator—Gayle Orr-Smith

SF State Police Chief Kirk
Gaston reported that last spring the campus underwent a high-level review of
emergency needs following the tragedy at Virginia Tech University. Two needs
were highlighted, improved emergency communications and the designation of an
individual with full-time responsibility for campus emergency preparedness.
Communication issues are being solved with the assistance of service companies
that work through cell phone networks. Chief
Gaston then introduced Gayle Orr-Smith, who will fill the newly-created
position of Emergency Preparedness Coordinator in the Police Department. Ms. Orr-Smith
addressed the Senate briefly, indicating that her first goals were to review
all campus emergency procedures and to prepare for a campus-wide emergency
drill this year.

from Rob Strong, Manager, SFSU Bookstore, and Corless Smith, Chair, Franciscan
Shops Board: Textbook Cost Reduction Initiative—Report to be heard no later
than 2:20 p.m.

Dr. Smith and Mr. Strong
gave an extensive report on steps the Bookstore is taking to reduce textbook
prices to students. Most important among these is encouraging faculty and
departments to submit book orders on time. The costs of late orders can add
significantly to the Bookstore's price for a text and limit the price it can
pay when repurchasing books from students. Continuing to use older editions of
books can increase the supply of used books for students. The Bookstore is also
encouraging the use of electronic texts, although Mr. Strong noted that they
were not very popular with students. Mr. Strong reminded the Senators that the
Bookstore provides a complete reader printing service, including copyright
checking and payment of copyright fees when necessary.

Last year the Bookstore paid
the Student Center $665K, put aside $600K towards a new bookstore as part of
the SF State Master Plan, provided $130K in marketing support for campus
organizations and events, and donated $325K to the University's General Fund.

#7—Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed
Revisions to the BA Degree in Journalism: Concentrations in Photo Journalism,
and Print and On-line Journalism— Proposal to be heard no later than 3:00 p.m.,
1st Reading

Attachment on BUFF.

The CRAC recommendation was
taken out-of-order on the agenda because its time-certain had arrived. The item
was moved by Senator Linder, Chair of CRAC, and no second is required for
motions from a standing committee. After brief discussion there was a motion
(Steier/Danner) to move to second reading. The motion passed, and then the
proposal passed on a unanimous voice vote.

#5—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Revisions to the
Faculty Statement on Course Requirements, Academic Senate Policy # S82-90—1st Reading

Attachment on IVORY.

The discussion started in
first reading, then a motion (Ulasewicz/Behrooz) to move to second reading
passed with 3/4 vote.

Senator Ulasewicz moved to amend the proposal (seconded by
Robertson) to insert at the top of the numbered list before line 11:

1. the
instructor’s name, office number, and contact information;

2. the
course title and number;

and adjust the numbers of
the existing items appropriately.

The amendment passed
unanimously on a voice vote.

Senator Stowers moved
(seconded by Whalen) to amend the proposal in three ways:

1. Change the title to "Policy on Course

2. Modify line 8 from "Syllabi shall be distributed
at the first course meeting..." to "Syllabi shall be modified at or
by the first course meeting..."

3. Delete item 5 beginning on line 18.

After some discussion Chair Kohn divided the issue. Items (1) and (2) both
passed on unanimous voice votes. Discussion continued on (3). Senators Stowers
and Whalen agreed to modify their motion to read: Modify item 5 beginning on
line 18 by deleting the word "substantive".

After more discussion it was moved (Chelberg/Ulasewicz) to call the question on
the amendment. Following a voice vote, Senator Steier called for a division of
the body. The motion failed 25-11.

After additional discussion, Senator Whalen (seconded by Stowers) moved to
return the proposal to the Executive Committee. This motion passed on a
unanimous voice vote.

#6—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Policy on Disability
Access Statement, 1st Reading

Attachment on PINK.

The motion was moved by
Senator Whalen for the Executive Committee. No second was required. After some
discussion it was moved (Steier/DuVal) to take the motion to second reading.
This motion was passed unanimously on a voice vote. Then the main proposal was
passed unanimously on a voice vote.

#8—Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Graduate
Continuous Enrollment Policy—1st

Attachment on TAN.

The proposal was moved by
Senator Trautman, Chair of the APC. No second was required. Comments were
received from two guests invited by APC: Kathleen Mosier, Chair of the Graduate
Council, and Ann Hallum, Dean of Graduate Studies, and considerable discussion
ensued. The motion will return in second reading at the next meeting of the Senate.

ITEM #12—Adjournment—no later than 4:30 p.m.

The Senate adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Meeting Date (Archive)