October 31, 2017



Tuesday, October 31, 2017



2:00 – 5:00 p.m.



OPEN FLOOR PERIOD:  2:00 - 2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for campus community members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators.  Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.




Albiniak, Theodor

Amjadi, Taghi

Barrera, Ana Maria

Bloom, Gilda

Brown, Elizabeth

Campbell, Chloe

Carcieri, Martin

Castillo, Nestor

Cheng, Chen

De Barro, Jose A

Denetclaw, Wilfred

Foley, Jacqueline

Gen, Sheldon

Gerber, Nancy

Green, Fred

Howard, Pamela



Kuchins, Noah

Leech, Mary

Lisy-Wagner, Laura

Lopez, Janet

Miller, Cori

Mooney, Dylan

Okhremtchouk, Irina

Pasion, Sally

Platas, Linda

Rubin, Jasper

Sanders, Alison

Scott, Michael

Sev’aetasi, Loretta

Shapiro, Jerry

Sinha, Dipendra

Small, Rachel



Soorapanth, Sada

Spencer, Dee

Steier, Saul

Stowers, Genie

Summit, Jennifer

Tanner, Kimberly

Teh, Kwok-Siong

Thomas, Tom

Van Velsor, Patricia

Walls, Andrew

Way, Lori Beth

Wilhite, Lightfoot

Wilson, Jackson

Wong, Yutian


Absences: Chekuri, Chris (exc); Collins, Robert (exc); Drennan, Marie (exc); Harris, Andrew (exc); Hines, Ellen (exc); Kakar, Venoo (exc); Pido, Eric (abs); Reyes, Belinda (exc); Roehrman, Todd (exc); Wong, President (exc); Yee-Melichar, Darlene (exc); Yu, Betty (abs)


Visitors: Ann Sherman, Elena Staan, Joseph Romero, Mi-Sook Kim, Susan Chouk, Yim-Yu Wong


CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.

1.       Approval of the Agenda for October 31, 2017

·                  Sen. Carillo moved that Item #5 “Discussion of issues arising from the College of Ethnic Studies letter to the Provost and presentation to the Senate on October 17, 2017” be tabled until next meeting and removed from the agenda. Sen. Steier asked the reason for the motion. Sen. Carillo responded that some of the faculty members involved in the discussion are meeting this week with the Provost, and it would be best to have the discussion after this meeting. The motion was seconded and accepted unanimously.

·                  Chair Gerber reminded the Secretary that the remaining agenda items would be renumbered.

2.       Approval of the Minutes for October 17, 2017

·                  The minutes were approved as submitted.

3.       Announcements from the Floor

·                  Cory Miller announced that the Fall Career Fair is happening this Thursday 11 – 3 at the Mashouf Wellness Center.

·                  Gilgamesh Jeter announced that the Alcademics Wine Club is having a tasting Tuesday, Nov. 7

·                  Nina Roberts announced that ICCE is organizing a plenary panel for the Faculty Retreat on January 18.

·                  Vice-Chair Albiniak announced that the website for Faculty Affairs has space for people to sign up and to announce publications or other accomplishments. The title of the retreat is “Celebrating the Public University: Fostering Success in Times of Uncertainty”.

4.       Reports

4.1.    Chair

·                  Chair Gerber updated Senate about the Year of Conversation and about the reception for newly tenured and promoted faculty. She announced the names of newly tenured and promoted senators and we congratulated them.

4.2.    Standing Committees

4.2.1. Academic Policies Committee

·                  Sen. Wilson reported that APC will be discussing the Large On-line Courses Policy and proposed changes to the BRC charge.

4.2.2. Curriculum Review and Approval Committee

·                  Sen. Stowers reported that CRAC will be looking at the M.S. in Marine and Estuarine Science and the minor in Comics Studies.

4.2.3. Faculty Affairs Committee

·                  No report was given.

4.2.4. Student Affairs Committee

·         Chair Gerber welcomed back Sen. Williams and thanked Sen. Shapiro for leading SAC in Sen. Williams’ absence. Sen. Williams reported that SAC will be looking at the Student Health Advisory Committee, DACA support and advocacy, the policy on use of preferred pronouns, and a resolution supporting a living wage for campus jobs for students.

4.2.5. Strategic Issues Committee

·                  Sen. Gen announced that SIC will start looking at the Administrative Search Policy.

4.3.    ASCSU

·                  No report was given.

5.       Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Revision to the Academic Calendar Policy (first reading) - #F17-242

·                  Sen. Wilson moved the item and spoke in favor of it. Sen. Howard asked why the third week was untenable. Sen. Wilson answered that in discussion with Alvina Lee, APC discovered that starting in the third week would conflict with the Summer Session schedule. 

·                  Sen. Mooney moved the item to second reading. It was seconded by Sen. Steier and accepted unanimously.

·                  The Chair called the question and the motion passed unanimously.

6.       Elizabeth Smith, Associate Vice President for Marketing and Strategic Communication– Brand Research Excerpt: Strengths and Weaknesses

·                  AVP Elizabeth Smith made a presentation about brand research and perceived strengths and weaknesses of San Francisco State.

o         Sen. Sinha spoke about the importance of marketing our excellence in science and technology. AVP Smith agreed, and talked about the need to expand marketing in the physical space as well as the website.

o         Sen. Bloom asked why there was no question about the diversity of faculty in the study. AVP Smith answered that they did not ask that question. Sen. Bloom suggested that the low net promoter score may be influenced by negative Yelp reviews of the campus. AVP Smith agreed.

o         Sen. Foley asked whether we should promote more of our history so that we draw more students who understand what qualities make for a good fit here. AVP Smith agreed that it might help, but spoke about the kinds of experiences and qualities that seem most to influence prospective student decisions.

o         Sen. Denetclaw asked about the methodology of the data collection and how students were sampled. AVP Smith pointed out the confidence interval and margin of error for each sample.

o         Sen. Tanner asked about the demographic makeup of the respondents and whether the samples match the demographic makeup of the university. AVP Smith provided what information she had. 

7.       Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed Master of Science degree program in Business Analytics (first reading)

·                  Sen. Stowers moved the item and spoke in favor of it.

o         Sen. Sinha spoke in favor of the program due to high demand in this field.

o         Chair Gerber asked about the projected student demand. Sen. Stowers answered that the plan is to have 25 students in the first year and 50 students in following years.

·                  Sen. Shapiro moved the item to second reading, seconded by Sen. Steier. He cited the length of time spent preparing the proposal and the importance of the program as reasons. Sen. Stowers spoke in favor of further deliberation before moving to second reading. The motion did not carry.

·                  The recommendation returned to CRAC and will return to the Senate floor at the next plenary.


8.       Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed creation of a First Year Experience (FYE) Committee (first reading)

·                  Sen. Wilson moved the item and spoke in favor of it.

o         Sen. Wilhite asked for clarification about line 33 “Representative from Counseling and Mental Health,” for whether that signified a faculty member or staff member. Sen. Wilson answered that he was unsure.

o         Chair Gerber asked for clarification about Section I.b. Sen. Wilson discussed the reasons behind the wording of this section.

o         Sen. Foley asked about the number of student representatives. Sen. Wilson answered that there was one representative from Associated Students.

o         Sen. Way answered that the representative in line 33 should be a staff member.

o         Sen. Williams noted that the currently correct name should be “Counseling and Psychological Services Center” and corrected some typos.

·                  Sen. Bloom moved the item to second reading, seconded by Sen. Steier. The motion carried with one member opposed.

·                  Sen. Williams proposed an amendment that a representative from Health Promotion & Wellness be added after line 35.

o         Sen. Howard asked how a representative from Health Promotion & Wellness would contribute to the mission as described in lines 6 – 16.

o         Sen. Williams described ways in which Health Promotion & Wellness played important roles in the first-year experience.

o         Sen. Foley spoke in favor of the amendment, providing an example of how Health Promotion & Wellness contributed to the creation of a campus community.

o         Sen Steier spoke against the amendment, asking why we have people on the committee whose jobs involve students from all years and noted the already large number of committee members.

o         Sen. Bloom spoke in support of the amendment, citing the importance of Health & Wellness in understanding about alcohol abuse.

o         The motion passed with one member opposed.

·                  Sen. Bloom proposed an amendment on line 33 to read “Counseling and Psychological Services Center.”

o         Sen. Pasion noted that the webpage reads “Counseling and Psychological Services.”

o         Sen. Wilson amended the amendment to reflect the wording on the webpage.

o         The motion passed unanimously.

·                  Vice-Chair Albiniak proposed an amendment on line 21 to strike “ex-officio.”

·                  Sen. Stowers expressed concern that this is a major change to the proposed policy and moved to table the discussion and send it back to committee. It was seconded.

o         Sen. Way spoke against the motion to table based on the length of time spent on the policy already.

o         Sen. Sinha asked how many of the representatives are ex-officio. Chair Gerber answered eight.

o         Sen. Howard noted that ex-officio members can vote, and asked then what the difference would be between the old and amended versions. Vice-Chair Albiniak agreed that there is no difference.

o         The motion failed.

·                  The Senate resumed the discussion of Vice-Chair Albiniak’s amendment to line 21.

o         Sen. Sev’aetasi asked for a clarification of “ex-officio.” Vice-Chair Albiniak read a definition of “ex-officio” from Roberts’ Rules.com.

o         Chair Gerber suggested an alternate way of designating ex-officio members in the language of the policy.

o         Sen. Sinha asked for an explanation of why the designation “ex-officio” should be moved if it means that they cannot vote. Chair Gerber explained that not all of the members currently labeled “ex-officio” were, in fact, members by virtue of their office.

o         Sen. Foley pointed out that it is already implied by the language of the policy that the ex-officio positions are ex-officio.

o         Sen. Steier further discussed the term “ex-officio.”

o         Sen. Shapiro expressed a desire to move forward with accepting the policy, if there are no further issues.

o         Sen. Sev’aetasi spoke against the amendment.

o         Sen. de Barros asked for further clarification.

o         Vice-Chair Albiniak pulled the amendment.

·                  Sen. Bloom proposed an amendment to delete line 21 and to fix resulting formatting issues.

o         Sen. de Barros asked whether to add “or designee” to each ex-officio member.

o         Sen. Castillo called the question. The amendment passed.

·                  Sen. Stowers spoke against the policy, based on the ratio between faculty and administration in the committee.

·                  Sen. Tanner spoke in favor of moving forward so that the committee can get to work.

·                  Sen. Steier spoke in favor of changing the committee to a task force.

·                  Sen. Bloom moved to amend the policy to add “ex-officio or designee” after each of the ex-officio members on the list. It was seconded. The amendment passed unanimously.

·                  The Chair called the question. The motion passed without dissent.

9.       Recommendation from the Strategic Initiatives Committee: Resolution on Implementing Budget Transparency (first reading) - #RF17-363

·                  Sen. Gen moved the item and spoke in favor of it.

·                  Sen. Mooney moved the item to second reading, seconded by Sen. Shapiro. The motion passed unanimously.

·                  The Chair called the question. The motion passed unanimously.

10.   Recommendation from the Educational Policies Council: Temporary suspension of the minor in Modern Greek Studies (consent item)

·                  Sen. Wilson moved the item and spoke in favor of it. The motion was passed by unanimous consent.

11.   Adjournment –

·                  The meeting was adjourned at 3:57 P.M. 

Meeting Date (Archive)