Plenary Minutes, April 19, 2016




Tuesday, April 19, 2016



2:00 – 5:00 p.m.



OPEN FLOOR PERIOD:  2:00 - 2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for campus community members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators.  Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.




Alvarez, Alvin

Azadpur, Mohammad

Bloom, Gilda

Brown, Elizabeth

Carleton, Troi

Collins, Robert

Cortez, Ron

De Barros, Jose Acacio

Denetclaw, Wilfred

Ergul, Mehmet

Furuse, Tae

Gen, Sheldon




Gerber, Nancy

Hackenberg, Sara

Hanley, Lawrence

Howard, Pamela

Kwan, Kwong-Liem

Lewis, Julia

Mays, Chris

Mitchell, Marilyn

Mooney, Dylan

Nizardini, Richard

Pasion, Sally

Robertson, Bruce




Rosser, Sue

Sabee, Christina

Sanders, Allison

Schwartz, Kim

Shapiro, Jerry

Steier, Saul

Summit, Jennifer

Trogu, Pino

Van Dam, Mary Ann

Yee-Melichar, Darlene

Yu, Betty

Zink, Attila


Absences: Carrillo, Sandra (exc); Castillo, Karla (abs); Davila, Brigitte (exc); Fontaine, Monica (abs); Fraser, Paulina (abs); Hammer, Mike (abs); Hasheminia, Hamed (abs); Hill, Lorna (exc);  Hollis, Tanya (abs); Hoxter, Julian (abs); Kakar, Venoo (abs);;  Le, Mai Nhung (exc); Lebuhn, Gretchen (exc); Lisy-Wagner, Laura (exc); Reyes, Belinda (abs); Ritter, Michael (exc); Rosegard, Erik (exc); Teh, Kwok-Siong (abs); Toporek, Rebecca (abs); Weinberger, Christopher (exc); Wong, Les (abs);


Visitors: Ann Hallum




  • Senator Yee-Melichar:  Reminder that the Graduate Research and Creative Works Showcase is this Thursday, April 21, from 3 to 5 PM in GYM 100. Please take some time out of your busy schedule and view the wonderful graduate student work happening at our campus. Immediately following the showcase, you are invited to stay for our dinner buffet where you will have the opportunity to socialize with student participants, department and college colleagues, and administrators. Registered students and supportive faculty will be eligible to win prizes, such as a Kindle, tickets to Beach Blanket Babylon or gift cards. Students have often mentioned enjoying the dinner, and they appreciate the interpersonal time they share with their mentor at our event!
  • Senator Reyes:  Student Success and Graduation Initiative is having their last brown bag in the Library at 12:00 tomorrow.

AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for April 5, 2016

  • Approved as submitted.


AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for April 19, 2016

  • Approved as amended:  Dr. Mary Beth Love cannot come today-strike Item #5; In Item #11 strike “Revision to the”


AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report

  • We are not striking so we have a meeting today.
  • Last week President Wong sent a message calling for more civility on our campus.  Tension is high across campus; this reflects the nature of the national presidential process.  We need to resist this and actively reject uncivil behavior.  The Senate process reflects civility and respect each Tuesday. We make a difference on this campus by practicing this behavior across campus.  As faculty we create environments in our classrooms to encourage civil discourse among our students.


AGENDA ITEM #4—Report from Sheila Tully, CFA-SFSU Chapter President (time certain: 2:20)

  • Sheila Tully gave a report on the tentative CFA_SFSU agreement.  All information is in the CALFAC website.


AGENDA ITEM #5— Report from Mary Beth Love, Director of Metro (time certain: 2:35) [tentative]



AGENDA ITEM #5— Recommendation from Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed revision to the Paired Courses policy (first reading)  

  • Senator Rosegard moves item.  Speaks to item. 
  • Senator Sabee:  Yields time to Dean Shimanoff. 
  • Dean Shimanoff: Urge Senate to delete lines regarding cross-listing allowing Graduate Council and CRAC to monitor those potential courses.
  • Senator Ritter:  Moves to second reading.  Motion passes.
  • Senator Sabee:  Amend to delete lines 104-105.  (107-108 on some documents) “Paired courses must not at the same time be cross-listed”  Amendment is seconded.
  • Vote on amendment:  Amendment passes.
  • Vote on the amended revision to the paired courses policy.  Amended revision passes.


AGENDA ITEM #6—Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee: Proposed revisions to Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Policy (first reading)

  • Senator Trogu moves the item.  Speaks to the item.  
  • Senator Hanley: Lines 126-128.  Lines 527-530.  Appear to be confusing regarding timing of external review.
  • Senator Collins:  Move to second reading.  Seconded.
  • Senator Hanley objects. 
  • Senator Collins: Withdraws motion to go to second reading.
  • Senator Sabee:  Agree we need the wording to be clear.  But don’t see where the confusion lies in the present language.
  • Senator Trogu:  Line 126 might be modified later as an amendment.
  • Senator Hanley:  Can external reviews be requested both for Tenure and Promotion and for Professional Development? There needs to be clarification as to what is being externally reviewed.
  • Senator Trogu:  Believes the current draft addresses this.
  • Senator Nizzardini:  There are two different kinds on external reviews: one for the entire process and one for a particular assessment.
  • Senator Robertson:  Are we trying to resolve this one inconsistency?  Or are their others?
  • Senator Steier:  Agrees there are two different types of external review.
  • Senator Yee-Melichar:  Lines 126-127 seem to be speaking to process; lines 529-531 seem to be speaking about negotiation of process between committee and the candidate; don’t see a conflict
  • Senator Hanley:  In lines 552-556:  why include the word service? 
  • Senator Trogu:  The two sections (lines 126-128 versus lines 527-530) clarify external review before versus after the closing of the WPAF.
  • Senator Bloom:  If this policy were to pass does it supersede other policies?
  • Senator Trogu:  It does not. This is addressed at the end of the draft policy.
  • Senator Hanley:  Question about lines 123-125:  what does the word “documenting” really mean?  Change to “assessment” or “evaluation”.
  • Senator Toporek:  Seeks clarification of Senator Bloom’s question. 
  • Senator Gerber:  Concerned about issue of  faculty being allowed to choose.
  • Senator Trogu:  Attempts to clarify.
  • Senator Hackenberg:  These changes are about clarifying the policy but are not substantial changes.  Could the language clarifications suggested be made in second reading?
  • Senator Trogu:  Yes, these could be made in second reading.
  • Senator Reyes:  Lines 56-58:  exclude department chairs from serving on departmental RTP committee- this is a problem for small departments.
  • Senator Sabee: Faculty hired prior to 2007 can still have a one-time choice of policy; the changes in this draft are mainly about departmental criteria and the process.  There are lines in this draft that protect faculty and their ability to choose which policy they wish to be reviewed under.
  • Senator Howard:  Line 594-595:  Faculty members with an academic appointment?  What about library faculty and other faculty?
  • Senator Trogu: The CBA explicitly includes all faculty.
  • Senator deBarro:  The rules about external review are still unclear.  Was there discussion about putting limits on the number of external reviewers?
  • Senator Trogu:  No.  Responds to the question about chairs:  the CBA says Chairs cannot serve on their department RTP committee.
  • Senator Denetclaw:  What if external letters are not received even through they were requested?
  • Senator Bloom: The topic of external reviewers should be examined more closely.  Also the number of external reviewers.
  • Motion to move to second reading.  Seconded.
  • Senator Robertson:  Against motion to second reading.  Could the document be posted on a website and allow members to respond.
  • Senator Collins:  The authoring Senate Committee has always made changes.
  • Senator Gerber:  Agrees with Senator Robertson.
  • Senator Trogu:  This draft policy was up on the website 3-5 days ago.    
  • Senator Hanley:  Against motion for second reading.
  • Senator Alvarez:  Call the question.
  • Motion to move to second reading is not passed.
  • Chair Carleton: Draft policy is returned to the committee for more work.



AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed revisions to the Senate By-Laws regarding Executive Committee Senators-at-Large (first reading)

  • Senator Hackenberg moves item.  Speaks to item. 
  • Senator Gerber:  Speaks against the recommendation.
  • Senator Steier:  What is the membership if Ex-Comm?
  • Senator Hanley:  All members of standing committees are appointed.
  • Senator Lewis:  Move to second reading.  Motion passes.
  • Senator Robertson: Move to amend:  insert “not be required to serve on a standing committee”
  • Amendment passes.
  • Senator Robertson:  There is a requirement for a two-thirds majority to amend the by-laws.
  • Vote to approve the recommendation.  Recommendation is passed with a two-thirds majority.


AGENDA ITEM #8— Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Revision to the Athletic Advisory Board policy (first reading)

  • Senator Hanley moves item.  Speaks to item.
  • Senator Collins:  Supports the proposed revision.
  • Senator Gen:  Line 35:  function is to represent versus Line 55: function to advise is confusing.
  • Senator Yee-Melinchar: :  Concern about faculty representation on this board.  Line 88 says terms of office shall begin on June 1- if faculty members are on academic appointment how do they voice their opinion during the summer?
  • Senator Collins:  Move to second reading. 
  • Senator Hanley: Objects. 
  • Senator Collins: Motion is withdrawn.
  • Chair Carleton: Item is referred back to the committee.


AGENDA ITEM #9— Recommendation from Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed revision to the Education minor (first reading)

  • Senator Rosegard moves item.  Speaks to item.
  • Senator Steier:  How does 12 units help the teacher shortage?
  • Senator Bloom:  This proposed revision of for a minor; it does not give them a teaching credential.
  • Senator Lewis:  Moves to second reading.  Seconded.  Motion passes.
  • Vote on the proposed revision to the Education minor.  Motion passes.


AGENDA ITEM #10—Recommendation from the Student Affairs Committee: Proposed Revision to the Short Term Loan Program policy (first reading)

  • Senator Schwartz moves item.  Speaks to item.
  • Senator Robertson:  Line 67:  Concern that getting a loan is penalizing students.
  • Senator Schwartz:  Agree.  But that is the current practice.  There are work arounds.
  • Senator Ritter;  In favor of the proposed policy.
  • Senator Robertson:  Cannot pass a policy that supports a bad practice.
  • Senator Mays:  Does not object to this policy. Has  Accounts payable Advisory committee has been working on this problem?. 
  • Senator Gen:  This was not discussed when the Accounts payable committee came to SAC.
  • Senator Gerber:  Line 35:  Says is a proposed accounts payable committee?  This is confusing if this committee is already in existence.
  • Chair Carleton:  Refer the proposed Short Term Loan policy back to committee.


AGENDA ITEM #11—Standing Committee Reports

  1. Academic Policies Committee
  • No report
  1. Curriculum Review and Approval Committee
  • Alex Katz will be retiring.  Had 48 applicants for this job and now have a top three.  The decision will be made by the next plenary.  Working on a resolution for Alex Katz.
  • A Communication Disorders resolution may be ready by next plenary.
  1. Faculty Affairs Committee
  • Will continue to work on the revisions to the RTP policy.
  1. Strategic Issues Committee
  • Reviewing the Affirmation Action policy with aim of issuing a resolution.
  1. Student Affairs Committee
  • Will continue to work on the proposed Student loan policy.
  • Working on a resolution supporting student success.
  • Working on a possible resolution on collegislity



AGENDA ITEM #12— Adjournment—no later than 5:00pm

  • Adjourned at 4:05 pm.
Meeting Date (Archive)