Tuesday – 1 November 2022
2:00 PM
The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for campus community members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 PM.
See Announcements in the Chat
- Approval of the Agenda for 1 November 2022: Senator Beatty (APC): motion to move items 10 and 11 to consent items, seconded by Senator Jackson. 35 yes, 0 no, 6 abstentions. Passed. Senator Rubin, motion to move item 12 to the agenda, Senator Platas seconded. 40 yes, 1 no, 5 abstentions. Passed.
Motion to accept: Senator Harvey moved, Senator Le seconded. Accepted.
- Approval of the Minutes for 18 October 2022: Senator Harvey moved, Senator Segovia-McGahan seconded. Accepted.
- Announcements from the Floor: Senator Collins: resolution for Senator Ritter is being written, and will be presented next plenary, let me know additions. Senator Lynch, thanks for support for Discovery Day event. Senator Way: thanks to all who has been making calls for juniors and seniors, 1356 calls, 186 students coming back.
- Reports
- Chair’s Report: Halloween are favorite times of the year 😊. Pleased to have potential SF states students on campus Saturday. Thanks for this information and to volunteers. Global Museum opening Saturday afternoon: Clearly Polluted through Dec 8. Enrollments are down across the CSU system and below target 7%, and locally 17%. Important to keep students we have as well as to recruit. Everything students can do is critical. 25,792 FTES highest in 2012, now at 20,500 while target is 24,600. Our realistic future is as a smaller institution then we have been, but we are still great and still large. President Mahoney couldn’t be with us today.
- Provost’s Report: Key skill are is retention! We are in faculty hiring season now, be conscientious as we think about what faculty best represent our students. Title IX implementation is being made smoother in Academic Affairs, though it is a difficult process. Perhaps Senate can ask Title IX to make a presentation. The Academic Edge Committee has met in an ongoing process to continue to improve. COE search committee for the Dean position is done and will be moving ahead. LCA committee in process. Administrative review policy: AA is looking forward for updates and suggestions from the Senate. Guest Mandolfo: wants to work with faculty on supportive measures for the Title IX process, communication will be out soon.
- Standing Committees
- Academic Policies Committee: bringing 2 items next plenary: online education and credit for prior learning policies
- Campus Curriculum Committee: BA in Business Economics, Minor in Juvenile Justice, Certificate in Non-Fiction Comics.
- Faculty Affairs Committee: draft replacement for early tenure and promotion policy, next plenary hoping for tenure density resolution
- Strategic Issues Committee: receives regular budget reports, enrollment reports, and discuss the administrative search and review policies.
- Student Affairs Committee: nothing for today. New graduation policy, grading policies, and renaming policy to replace academic probation with academic notice. Looking at SFSU land acknowledgement. Paul Stewart is consulting about the complexity of this and will invite representatives from American Indian Studies.
An informational item is a statement announcing the completion of a process, carried out in accordance with Senate policy, and requiring formal notification of the Senate at its conclusion.
- Informational item on department and related name changes within the College of Liberal and Creative Arts.
A consent item is one deemed by the Chair to be non-controversial, requiring no debate. Any Senator may call the item to the floor, in which case it is considered as new business in first reading. If no Senator calls it to the floor, it is considered approved. It may be read into the record.
Items 10 and 11, those are considered passed and approved.
Continuing (Old) Business involves items returning to the Senate, usually in Second Reading. Items in Second Reading belong to the Senate as a whole rather than to an individual or committee. Comments should be confined to those for or against, or proposing specific amendments. Amendments and the final document are passed or not passed by majority vote. There are no items of Continuing Business today.
New Business items are brought by a Committee or individual to the Senate in First Reading, during which open discussion and debate may occur. We ordinarily limit each speaker to three minutes. Senators may yield their time to non-Senators if needed. The item is then returned to the Committee for further revision, to be brought back as Old Business in Second Reading.
Senator Harvey: explanation of distance education authorization and what it means: not a general campus designation. Example: Business has classes with many sections, is even one is online, and even one student can get their degree >50% online, the program has to get the DE Authorization. Today is a suite of classes in First Reading that are applying for DE Authorization. Dean Wong: From Lam Family College of Business, we realized that students need this flexibility. Students do have stress at this time which we hope to support by these actions.
Senator Trogu: how much do student responses count? Dean Wong: we had 2 town hall meetings but difficult to bring students to these events. We also did a survey, but difficult to survey the whole group. But we believe a good level of representation and it was clear that the students wanted both options. Senator Way: even if all programs got DE authorization, we would still not be an online institution. But how are we keep this monitored? Dean Wong: We sent a file with all BSB core courses and are planning 75% of in person courses, which will limit the number of online courses available. We break this down to different core courses which offer alternatives to the students, and electives as well. There are certain courses not offered online but are considering course equivalencies. Senator Way in Chat: 70% is current spring in person level. Senator D’Alois: its known that students underperform in distance learning, but not related entirely to that modality, but to life changes due to the pandemic. Students think about work schedules, but are they getting the advising changes they need? Invite you to think about this as equity at least for a portion of their education. Students are trying to make the best decision for their retention. Senator Harvey: Some of CCC discussion, and basis of student decision-making is varied. We are exploring all of the varied alternatives needed. Chair Goldman: continue to comment, best way to email Senator Harvey. These will be discussed next week.
- Recommendation from the Campus Curriculum Committee: BS/BA in Business Administration (Distance Education Authorization, with 8 concentrations), in first reading. Moved to second reading.
- Recommendation from the Campus Curriculum Committee: BA in Economics (Distance Education Authorization), in first reading.
Senator Harvey: Discussion in the Committee: centered around how to meet the needs of the students and support the faculty? Dean Wong: Strong program w dedicated faculty members. They believe this DE Authorization will support students in achieving student needs and educational goals. Moved to second reading.
- Recommendation from the Campus Curriculum Committee: Minor in Juvenile Justice, in first reading.
Senator Harvey: CCC supported this proposal fully. Moved to second reading.
- Recommendation from the Campus Curriculum Committee: Certificate in Creative Non-Fiction Comics Making, in first reading.
Senator Harvey: turn over to guests. Guest Dean Shiminoff: College is excited about this certificate in comic studies minor. Guest Sousanis: Students at the end of the minor need a more professional experience. This certificate puts students into a cohort where they study latest in non-fiction comics and embed into other units in the campus to create work from and contribute to the campus experience through comics and visualization. Senator Drennan: in BECA, students are looking into a creative writing project that is non-fiction. How can BECA contribute to this? Senator Kavuir-Bauer: echo this, I teach art history and students are thirsting for this kind of artistic collaboration. How do you see this happening? Guest Sousanis: in the project stage, his job is to meet with the units on campus and facilitate these conversations. This was started before the pandemic, needs to be started up again. Senator Pahnke: spoke in support of this idea. Senator Le: spoke in support of the idea. Social justice and ideas for the College of Ethnic Studies. This will go to second reading. Please send to Senator Harvey.
- Recommendation from Academic Policies Committee: Academic Calendar for Summer 2023, in first reading.
- Recommendation from Academic Policies Committee: Academic Calendar for 2023-2024, in first reading.
- Recommendation from the Faculty Affairs Committee: Early tenure policy, in first reading. Motion to add this to agenda will be considered. Evaluation should be same as sixth year criteria, no special criteria. Go up once early and depends on service credit. Anyone going up at SFSU should have 2 years of teaching at SFSU. For assoc to full, ability to go up early as well. Senator Wilson: promotion and tenure at the same time are assumed, what about those who go up at different times, is this not allowed? Senator Rubin: did not want to complicate the policy, but if the Senate felt the need to go into these permutations, they will. However, the old policy doesn’t unpack these also. Senator Trogu: should departmental rtp criteria have wording about early tenure and promotion? Senator Platas: found typo. For full prof, a new policy is being created? Senator Rubin: we are leaving it to depts to have agency in how to address early promotion.
There are no presentations today.
Adjournment: 3:30 PM
17:04:34 From Senator Gabriela Segovia-McGahan (AA/S) to Everyone:
Happening tonight:
17:20:24 From Senator Gabriela Segovia-McGahan (AA/S) to Everyone:
17:25:57 From Guest Carleen Mandolfo (she, her) to Everyone:
We plan on getting information about supportive measures in the Title IX process into the hands of faculty soon.
17:38:28 From Senator Jeannie Woo to Everyone:
Great clarification and distinctions Rick
17:41:51 From Senator belinda reyes to Everyone:
We have made great efforts to have a high impact experience for students at SFSU. We already know that some students underperform in distance learning. How do we maintain the high impact student focus approach in an increasingly distance learning environment? We don't even have a teacher evaluation form for online courses yet. How do we manage this transition without hurting students?
17:45:35 From Senator Lori Beth Way to Everyone:
But LFCoB is currently not at 70% in person at that definition in the spring. The college is not at 75%
17:46:09 From Senator Lori Beth Way to Everyone:
Sorry, the college is currently planning a 70% in person spring schedule
17:51:53 From Guest Alex Leyton to Everyone:
Plus, if certain students prefer online classes and will only attend SFSU if they can be online, isn’t it SFSU’s responsibility to learn how to support their success in online classes? Isn’t that true equity?
17:51:55 From Senator Pino Trogu to Everyone:
Currently modalities LM05 (F2F + Async) and LM06 (F2F + Sync) fall into the "Distance Education" bucket (not the "On Site" bucket) if F2F and Async/Sync are exactly split 50/50 in terms of total F2F semester time. An additional F2F meeting per semester needs to be added to these modalities to make them fall into the "On Site" bucket. Anyone please let me know if this reading is wrong. Thanks.
17:52:02 From Senator Gabriela Segovia-McGahan (AA/S) to Everyone:
Thank you, Senator D'Alois! These are things I have heard from some of our students and work-life-school balance.
17:52:10 From Senator Dariotis (she/ta) on Ramaytush Ohlone Land to Everyone:
Student workload calculators state that a 3 unit class translates into 9 hours of work (traditionally, 3 hours synchronously “in class”; 6 hours outside of class as “homework). A typical course load is 5 class x 3 units (18 units). This translates to 45 hours a week--which is more than full time.
17:53:19 From Senator Lori Beth Way to Everyone:
@Senator Trogu - the definitions are different for campus goals and distance education federal policies. We’ll be clarifying that in the policy revisions.
17:54:38 From Guest Nick Sousanis to Everyone:
thanks, Senator D'Alois - resonated with my experience w/students - glad I caught your words here...
17:54:53 From Senator Lori Beth Way to Everyone:
@Senator Trogu - I think I actually missed what you’re asking. We’ll need to look into that for distance education federal compliance.
17:55:31 From Senator Marie Drennan to Everyone:
@Senator Dariotis—and students are STUNNED when they find out that that’s the official formula (6 hours of homework per course). It’s just not possible for students who are working, have families, trying to graduate in four years...
17:55:52 From Senator Pino Trogu to Everyone:
@ Dean Way. I understand, but those modalities may be currently misunderstood as counting towards “On Site” for the purpose of “Substantive Change” authorization that might in fact be required down the line.
18:02:42 From Senator Dariotis (she/ta) on Ramaytush Ohlone Land to Everyone:
Senator Drennan, AND, those student workload calculators were originally created to justify faculty pensions, so why do they remain the standard? Can we get rid of them and instead focus on achieving learning outcomes?
18:12:52 From Senator Gabriela Segovia-McGahan (AA/S) to Everyone:
This might also be good for a way to adapt some of the Oral History projects for courses in College of Ethnic Studies.
18:14:03 From Guest Nick Sousanis to Everyone:
this is me
18:14:16 From Senator Pino Trogu to Everyone:
@Dean Way, (regarding “Distance Education”) yes, I believe that those two hybrid modalities (05 & 06) need to be modified or duplicated with an additional occasional extra F2F hour or meeting. I believe all “Occasional” modalities could also be duplicated or modified to have 8 (out of 15 weeks) F2F meetings instead of the current 5. But this may be superfluous if the two hybrid modalities could already cover the 51% F2F total semester time requirement for “On Site”.
Last Name |
College |
1-Nov |
Abeywickrama |
1 |
Alaoui |
1 |
Banks |
AR |
Beatty |
1 |
Bloom |
On Leave |
Brewer |
1 |
Castillo |
Will join late |
Clemens |
1 |
Collins |
1 |
Contreras |
COSE (Staff) |
1 |
Christensen |
1 |
D'Alois |
1 |
Dariotis |
1 |
Diamond |
Dorie |
1 |
Drennan |
1 |
Ensanni |
1 |
Erickson |
1 |
Gerber |
Goldman |
CoSE |
1 |
Grossman |
Grutzik |
1 |
Guidara |
LIB (Staff) |
1 |
Harris-Boundy |
1 |
Harvey |
1 |
Hellman |
Hennesy |
1 |
Hines |
CoSE |
1 |
Howell |
CoSE |
1 |
Holschuh |
1 |
Kavuri-Bauer |
1 |
Kingston |
LFCOB (Staff) |
1 |
Kleinrichert |
1 |
Le |
1 |
Lee |
On Leave |
Linton |
Excused |
Lynch |
1 |
Mahoney |
President |
Malik |
Mathern |
Modirzadeh |
Musselman |
1 |
Narkewicz |
GCOE (Staff) |
1 |
Olsher |
1 |
Pahnke |
1 |
Papyrina |
1 |
Pasion |
1 |
Piryatinska |
1 |
Platas |
1 |
Reyes |
1 |
Richards |
LCA (Staff) |
1 |
Rubin |
1 |
Scott |
1 |
Segovia-McGahan |
COES (Staff) |
1 |
Song |
Stein |
1 |
Steward |
1 |
Sueyoshi |
Provost |
1 |
Swei |
1 |
Takagi |
Trogu |
1 |
Trousdale |
1 |
Tu |
UE (staff) |
1 |
Ward |
HHS (Staff) |
1 |
Way |
1 |
Wilson |
1 |
Woo |
1 |
Yee-Melichar |
Sabbatical |
Zamora |
Zhang |
Zhou |
1 |
Claude Bartholomew |
Yim-Yu Wong |
Noah Price |
GS |
Miia Le |
student |
Teddy Albiniak |
LCA/President's Office |
Yuen R Htet |
student |
Jay Ward |
Taylor Myers |
Ingrid Williams |
HR |
Theresa Roeder |
Alex Leyton |
Jeff Wilson |
A&F |
Jane Dewitt |
Sophie Clavier |
Carleen Mandolfo |
FA |
Nick Sousanis |
Susan Shimanoff |