Academic Senate
Plenary Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 1 October 2024
2:00 PM
2:00-2:05 PM: Open Floor Period:
The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for campus community members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senators, Senate officers or to university administrators. Please arrive promptly at 2:00 PM. Please limit comments to not more than three minutes per topic. Senators may make announcements under Item 3 below.
Sen. Collins put a file in the chat regarding Common Course Numbering: Phase II Course Template Surveys. More information can be found about this HERE.
2:05 PM: Call to Order
1. Approval of agenda
Sen. Harvey proposed that the plenary be amended to move the committee report order to place APC’s report to the end (4.45). In short, the reports will be reordered thusly:
4.4.1. Campus Curriculum Committee
4.4.2. Faculty Affairs Committee
4.4.3. Strategic Issues Committee
4.4.4. Student Affairs Committee
4.4.5. Academic Policies Committee
Sen. Brown seconded the proposal.
This amendment was put to a vote.
Yes: 40
Abstain: 3
The proposal to amend the agenda was passed. The agenda was amended, and then approved as amended at 2:08pm.
2. Approval of minutes from previous plenary
Minutes approved as read at 2:08pm.
3. Senator announcements: Any senator can speak to no more than 3 minutes per topic. This is a good time for senators who are college representatives to share announcements from their respective colleges.
Sen. Collins gave notice that ASCCC has issued surveys. He explained that these surveys seek feedback from faculty in biology, chemistry, math, astronomy, as well as related disciplines. Survey results will inform the development of their common course, numbering templates. He gave notice of a response deadline Sunday, October 20th. He encouraged all to share with their colleagues.
Sen. Segovia-McGahan gave notice of Orange Shirt Day, also called National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, held annually on September 30. She provided more information about his HERE.
Sen. Erickson reminded faculty of a survey emailed to all represented by CFA Unit 3. He explained that responses from the survey will be used by CFA to advocate for faculty priorities as contract negotiations resume at the end of the year. He encouraged all represented faculty to reponed.
4. Reports
4.1. Senate chair's report
Chair Wilson explained that next year’s campus budget will be challenging. He noted that there is a proposed 8% reduction in CSU funding, thus presenting SF State with difficulties and a need for advocacy against the reduction. He then cited recent examples of successful advocacy: the state governor’s vetoing of Senate Bill 895 and Assembly Bill 2104. These vetoes prevent community colleges from issue bachelor’s degrees that duplicate existing Cal State nursing programs. He gave notice that the week’s Friday Report will provide guidance on effective advocacy approaches. Chair Wilson then briefly outlined the probable impact of these budgetary reductions. He then summarized the presentations and business items on the day’s agenda.
No University president's report
4.2 University provost's report
Provost Sueyoshi provided positive remarks about SF State’s recent receipt of the Seal of Excellencia, noting that we are now one of only 46 universities and colleges to be given this distinction. She then offered remarks about the anxieties related to the CSU budget. She stressed the importance of our aligning our enrollment priorities with our campus budget. Provost Sueyoshi then stressed the importance of attending UBC meetings and staying informed about the realities of the budget reduction and its impact in out campus. She noted that the reduction is not yet confirmed, and so there is time for advocacy.
Discussion was then had about departments feeling blindsided by budgetary cuts. For some, this has diminished faith in the academic senate and raised discontent about the way in which cuts have been communicated. Provost Sueyoshi will reach out to college deans to address these concerns.
4.3. Associated Students president's repot
Senator Foley announced that the vacant faculty seat on the Associated Students Board of Directors will be filled by Senator Rob Collins. Senator Foley then offered updates about Gator Groceries, noting that funding for the program will run out shortly, thus it is a mission of AS to spread awareness about food insecurity on the SF State campus. He then offered updates about the Governing Gators Internship program, noting that AS has pushed the start date back to next Thursday, due to heightened interest. AS is also looking at empty seats on the committees of the senate. If there are any committees on senate or others on campus that people would like filled by students, let him know.
Discussion was then had about ways in which to crowdfund the Gator Groceries program. The Food+Shelter+Success (FSS) Office has historically provided about $85k for the program, but these funds will run out soon and the MOU with FSS has run out. All other funding sources need to be run through leadership staff. Senator Foley emphasized the important of the Gator Groceries program to SF State students and families.
4.4. Standing committee reports
4.4.1. Campus Curriculum Committee
Sen. Harvey noted the items CCC will bring to the floor. These include items in the Consent agenda, which are a BA in Philosophy Concentration Philosophy and Law, a BA in Philosophy, a Minor in Urban Studies and Planning, a Minor in South Asian Studies. It was expected that these items will be moved through quickly. Other items CCC will bring to the floor include those in second reading, which are a Minor in Deaf Studies and American Sign Language, a Minor in Philosophy and Religion, a Minor in Religious Studies, a Certificate in Digital Marketing, and a Certificate in International Risk Analysis.
4.4.2. Faculty Affairs Committee
Sen. Brown gave notice that FAC continues to work on the hiring policy, a new assigned time policy for lecturers, the department chair policy, the bylaws policy, and a resolution to prioritize academic instruction.
4.4.3. Strategic Issues Committee
Sen. Trousdale gave notice that SIC brings no items today, but they hope to have the academic freedom policy in time for the next plenary.
4.4.4 Student Affairs Committee
Sen. Christensen gave notice that SAC has no items to bring to the floor, but they have received consultations on the preferred names policy. SAC is also starting to investigate whether a separate policy around preferred pronouns will be needed. Ellen then gave notice that SAC is developing a Qualrtics survey, in collaboration with Associated Students and Sen. Foley, to receive student priorities to then be raised in future SAC meetings.
4.4.5. Academic Policies Committee
Sen. Islami gave notice that APC has no new items to bring to the floor, but the community continues work on two policies. These are the grade appeals and academic integrity policies. APC hopes to bring these to the next plenary. She gave notice that APC plans to survey department chairs about course cancelations and their procedures. Other issues that APC is working on include a policy on restructuring academic units and changes to the academic calendar policy.
Informational Items: An informational item is a statement announcing the completion of a process, carried out in accordance with Senate policy, and requiring formal notificatin of the Senate at its conclusion.
5. Restructuring: Division of Museum Studies from School of Art
Chair Wilson offered an update about this issue, noting that the division has been completed.
- Consent Items: A consent item is one deemed by the initiating committee and the Executive Committee to be non-controversial, requiring no debate. Any Senator may request to debate the item, in which case it is considered as new business in first reading. If there is no request to debate, the Chair will declare debate closed and the motion adopted by “General Consent.” It may be read into the record, or we may move directly to the next agenda items.
6. BA Philosophy Concentration Philosophy and Law
8. Minor Urban Studies and Planning
Chair Wilson noted that the above are all reductions of units and not thought to be controversial. Chair Wilson then invited comment on these items. None was given. The items were then all adopted by unanimous consent.
- Continuing Business: Continuing (once called Old) Business involves items returning to the Senate, usually in Second Reading, but occasionally still in First Reading. Items in Second Reading belong to the Senate as a whole rather than to an individual or committee. Comments on Second Reading items should be confined to those for or against or proposing specific amendments. We ordinarily limit each speaker to three minutes. Senators may yield their time to non-Senators if needed. Amendments and the final document are passed or not passed by majority vote.
Chair Wilson gave notice that these items are in second reading. explains that these are in second reading. Folks may speak for or against these items, as well as to offer amendments.
10. Minor in Deaf Studies and American Sign Language
Sen. Harvey introduced the item and invited comments.
Sen. Collins spoke in favor of the item, noting that there is a need for skilled signers in our communities. Such a minor also allows more people to engage meaningfully in social justice.
The item was then held to a vote.
Yes: 45
No: 0
Abstain: 1
The motion was passed, and the minor adopted.
11. Minor in Philosophy and Religion
Sen. Harvey introduced the item and invited comments.
Sen. Collins offered his support and commended the committee, as well as the Philosophy department, for creating a proposal that encourages students to engage in such a timely and meaningful topic.
The item was then held to a vote.
Yes: 48
No: 0
Abstain: 3
The motion was passed, and the minor adopted.
12. Minor in Religious Studies
Sen. Harvey introduced the item and invited comments.
Sen. Collins offered his support.
The item was then held to a vote.
Yes: 48
No: 0
Abstain: 4
The motion was passed, and the minor adopted.
13. Certificate in Digital Marketing
Sen. Harvey introduced the item and invited comments.
Sen. Gurney offered his support.
The item was then held to a vote.
Yes: 48
No: 0
Abstain: 2
The motion was passed, and the certificate adopted.
14. Certificate in International Risk Analysis
Sen. Harvey offered thanks to Associate Dean of Academic Planning Jane Dewitt for her work on this item.
Sen. Collins offered his appreciation for the certificate, noting that it connects well with career readiness.
The item was then held to a vote.
Yes: 50
No: 0
Abstain: 2
The motion was passed, and the certificate adopted.
- New Business: New Business items are brought by a committee or individual to the Senate in First Reading, during which open discussion and debate may occur. We ordinarily limit each speaker to three minutes. Senators may yield their time to non-Senators if needed. The item is then returned to the Committee for further revision, to be brought back as Continuing Business in Second Reading.
Chair Wilson noted that the resolution relates to an interim policy, meaning that it does not currently apply to unionized employees. He then emphasized the timely importance of commenting on this interim policy now.
Sen Way offered context to the interim policy noting that this has come down from the state legislature with instructions that it be implemented before the start of the semester.
Sen. Hellman offered thanks to Sen. Way and support for the resolution. He then offered remarks about the document, including a request for line numbers (for editing purposes). He then felt that that paragraphs 8 & 9 are redundant.
Sen. Brewer offered support for the resolution.
Sen. Collins spoke in favor of the resolution and commended the committee for capturing SF State’s freedom of expression. He then offered remarks about the first and second whereas clauses, stressing a need in either of those clauses to emphasize the overreach of the state legislature. He then recommended that a resolved clause be added to indicate the importance of the academic senate. Sen. Collins then explained that he and Sen. Sinha will have an ASCSU report in two weeks wherein they will note this action as issued in solidarity with the rest of the state and that is stand as a positive model of productive demonstration to our students. He then asked that Deputy Vice Chancellors Perez and Evans be included in the distribution list.
Discussion was then had about the resolution. Comments included the observation that free speech issues go both ways (those on the campus are free to speak as well as those antagonistic to the campus).
Chair Wilson remind that this item is in first reading and invited all to have discussions about this with peers and colleagues.
- Presentation(s)
16. CSU Update: Darlene Yee-Melichar, CSU Faculty Trustee (Time approximate 3:30-3:50PM)
Chair Wilson introduced CSU Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar.
Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar began by celebrating the campus’s receipt of the Seal of Excellencia. She then invited senators and the campus community to connect with the ASCSU. The then noted the four committees she serves on: the Audit Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Governmental Relations Committee. Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar then noted the CSU campuses she has visited as well as those she plans to meet with. She then invited the senate community to reach out to her regarding these visits and her objectives for them. Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar noted the summer activities she’s been engaged in. She then explained that the recommended amendments to Title 5: CSU Doctoral Programs were approved. She noted further that the CSU has been authorized to expand doctoral programs to meet California's workforce needs (and that these do not duplicate doctoral degrees offered by the UC system). She then encouraged the senate community to share with students information about the CSU Californians for All College Corps program. She then invited all to respond to an online request to complete the survey for Graduation Initiative 2025: Year of engagement., She stressed the importance of building on our students’ success and to finish the academic year strong. Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar then explained the urgency in around the Proposal to Integrate Cal Maritime Academy and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. In short, their financial reserves will be exhausted this year. She then shared a timeline for the plan. Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar then shifted to discuss NAGPRA and CalNAGPRA compliance. In short, the CSU system has hosted 10 listening sessions with 50 tribes to help draft policy; 21 CSUs have hired full time NAGPRA coordinators. It is mandated that every campus have its own coordinator. She will be checking into this to see if this is in fact required and if we can share coordinators. She then outlined the state of the 2024-2025 final budget (the Board of Trustees has forecasted a $218 million budget gap for the coming fiscal year, with further cuts on the way). Faculty Trustee Yee-Melichar then noted the successful passage of CSU bills AB 2005 and AB 2395. She then explained the governor’s veto of SB 895 and AB 2104. These are both positive developments for nursing programs on CSU campuses, but they should be seen as opportunities for collaboration with our local community colleges. She then invited all to reach out to her with feedback and questions, including on the current TPC interim policy and ongoing FAFSA concerns.
Sen. Collins offered his thanks for the attention to NAGPRA and creative thinking about shared NAGPRA coordinators.
17. Title IX Update: Anna Titus, Assistant Vice President for Title IX and DHR from Equity Programs and Compliance (Time approximate 3:50-4:10PM)
Assistant Vice President Titus shared slides introducing her background and the objectives of her office. She indicated that she has experience with civil right law and these inform her approach to Title IX issues. She noted that on August 1st of this year, 24 campuses in the CSU system implemented an interim Non-discrimination policy. She summarized this policy and its updates. She then offered a history of the Cozen O’Connor Report, its impact on our campus, and the plans to implement the recommendations made by the report (an implementation plan will be shared this fall). Assistant Vice President Titus then invited the campus community to reach out to her with comments, questions, and ideas. She then reminded senators and guests that SF State is a mandatory reporting campus. She then explained what this means and outlined ways in which one may make reports.
Discussion was then had about the office of Title IX and DHR. Assistant Vice President Titus explained that her office is building a calendar for workshops for dealing with uncomfortable interpersonal situations. She then outlined the necessity and long-term viability of this office (in spite of current budgetary difficulties).
18. Latinx Belonging Study Summary: Guisselle Nunez, AVP Strategic Marketing and Communications & Emmanuel Padilla, Latinx Student Center Director (Time approximate 4:10-4:30PM)
AVP Nunez introduced Director Padilla.
Director Padilla explained that his role is to essentially foster a supportive environment for students.
AVP Nunez explained that they surveyed Latinx students (7k students), receiving 900 responses. They then conducted student interviews and gathered additional data. They shared their process and methodology. They then explained the manifold issues that Latinx students must navigate and the support that the Latinx Student Center provides.
The floor was opened for comments and questions.
Sen. Yoo thanked to the team for all the work they do.
Sen. Zavala congratulated the good work being done by the team and asked if the survey included grad students.
AVP Nunez noted that the survey was only circulated undergrads, but they would like to extend a survey to grad students.
- Adjournment: Time definite 4:37PM
- Post-Plenary Floor Period: This is ordinarily an informal opportunity for senators and guests to meet, exchange information, or follow up on items or questions emerging from the meeting. It will ordinarily run for thirty minutes from the end of formal business, but not beyond 5:00 PM, if people remain online or in the room.
Ryan Gurney
Brian | Aday | LFCOB |
Fatima | Alaoui | LCA |
Michael | Anderson | LCA |
Maya | Bal | ASI |
John | Brewer | COSE |
Elizabeth | Brown | CHSS |
Fang-yu | Chou | CHSS |
Ellen | Christensen | LCA |
Robert Keith | Collins | ASCSU |
Stephanie | Cyr | CHSS |
Acacio | de Barros | LCA |
Amy | Dorie | CHSS |
Crystal | Edwards | CoES |
Burcu | Ellis | LCA |
Brad | Erickson | LCA |
Brandon | Foley | ASI |
Frederick | Green | LCA |
Ryan | Gurney | CPaGE staff |
Jason | Harris-Boundy | LFCOB |
Rick | Harvey | CHSS |
David | Hellman | LIB |
Elsy | Hernandez-Monroy | ASI |
Tanya | Hollis | LIB |
Carrie | Holschuh | CHSS |
Wei | Huang | LFCOB |
Arezoo | Islami | LCA |
M. Ernita | Joaquin | CHSS |
Santhi | Kavuri-Bauer | LCA |
John | Kim | AR |
Eric | Koehn | COES |
David | Landy | LCA |
Colin | Leasure | COSE |
Katie | Lynch | EM |
Elaine | Musselman | CHSS |
Taylor | Myers | LCA (Staff) |
Yuki | Obayashi | CoES |
Veronika | Papyrina | LFCOB |
Sally | Pasion | COSE |
Marcia | Raggio | GCOE |
Devi | Ruslani-Reyes | CHSS |
Alexander | Schuster | COSE |
Michael | Scott | ORSP |
Gabriela | Segovia-McGahan | COES |
Dipendra | Sinha | ASCSU |
Alesha | Sohler | GCOE staff |
Amy | Sueyoshi | Provost |
Emiko | Takagi | CHSS |
Alaric | Trousdale | SAEM |
Time | Ubungen | LFCOB staff |
Wesley | Ueunten | COES |
Saskia | Van Kampen | LCA |
Janey | Wang | CHSS |
Lori Beth | Way | DUEAP |
Jackson | Wilson | CHSS |
Jude | Wolf | GCOE |
Grace | Yoo | GCOE Dean's Council |
Maria | Zavala | GCOE |
Yabin | Zhao | LFCOB |
Steve | Choe | LCA |
Paul | Ellison | LCA |
Bahar | Javadi | LFCOB |
Lynn | Mahoney | President |
Anthony | Pahnke | LCA |
Alexandra | Piryatinska | COSE |
Stanley | Pogrow | GCOE |
Todd | Roehrman | LCA |
Tony | Schifano | SAEM |
Rae | Shaw | LCA |
Yim-yu Wong | LFCOB |
Sophie Clavier | GS |
Mike Goldman | COSE |
Jay Ward | International Education |
Victoria Narkewicz | GCOE |
Gilda Bloom | GCOE |
Fred Smith | ECI |
Margo Landy | EM |
Mark Ciotola | LCA |
Noah Price | GS |
Claude Bartholomew | DUEAP |
Jane Dewitt | DUEAP |
Nancy Ganner | HR |
Ingrid Williams | HR |
Mari Hulick | LCA |
Janet Remolona | LFCOB |
Ifeoma Nwankwo | LCA |
Teddy Albiniak | President’s Office |
Eugene Sivadas | LFCOB |
Gitanjali Shahani | LCA |
Resha Cardone | LCA |
Darlene Yee-Melichar | Faculty Trustee |
Anna Titus | Title IX and DHR |
Guisselle Nuñez | Strategic Marketing and Communication |
Emmanuel Padilla | Latinx Student Center |
Jamillah Moore | SAEM |