Minutes: February 13th, 2007




Tuesday, February 13,




Avani, Nathan

Gonzales, Dan

Moody, Laura

Axler, Sheldon

Gonzalez, Marty

Morishita, Leroy

Bartscher, Patricia

Gemello, John

Robertson, Bruce

Behrooz, Maziar

Howard, Pamela

Rothman, Barry

Bollapragada, Ramesh

Jaimes-Guerrero, A.J.

Saffold, Penny

Boyle, Andrea

Jolivette, Andrew

Stowers, Genie

Chelberg, Gene

Jones, Terry

Suzuki, Dean

Corrigan, Robert

Kohn, Jim

Todorov, Jassen

Chao, David

Kysh, Judith

Trautman, Ray

Daley, Yvonne

Levine, Josh

Ulasewicz, Connie

Danner, Don

Levy, Eileen

Van Cleave, Kendra

Dariotis, Wei Ming

Li, Wen-Chao

Van Dam, Mary Ann

Davis, Harvey (Skip)

Linder, Martin

Velez, Pauline

Donovan-Blood, Asella

Luna, Debra

Whalen, Shawn

DuVal, Derethia

McCracken, Bridget

Williams, Robert

Fehrman, Kenneth

Meredith, David

Yee, Darlene

Fung, Robert

Minami, Masahiko

Zwillinger, Lesley













Absences: Angelo, Albert (abs); Chattopadhyay, Sudip (abs);
Gaglio, Connie Marie (abs);

Klingenberg, Larry (abs); Mercado, Claudia (abs);
Gallagher, Brian (abs); Shapiro, Jerald (abs);

Steier, Saul
(abs); Smith, Alastair (abs); Saiyed, Zohra (abs); Yang, Nini (abs)



Guests: John Kim;
Nancy Hayes; Kevin Kelly; Helen Goldsmith; Caran Colvin; Gail Whitaker







CALLED TO ORDER: 2:11 p.m.












Chair Meredith…



  • Thanked Vice Chair Velez and the rest of the
    planning committee for their leadership of the recently completed, hugely
    successful faculty staff retreat.


  • Announced that Yenbo Wu has been promoted to
    the position of Associate Vice President of International Education.


  • Introduced APC Chair Whalen who reminded
    Senators about the campus continuous calendar policy survey. For more information and to
    complete the survey see the Academic Senate Web site.


AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval
of the Agenda for February 13, 2007

The agenda was approved by
general consent.


AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval
of the Minutes for December 12, 2006

The minutes were
approved by general consent.

from Enrique Riveros-Schafer, AVP of Academic Affairs: Update on the Office of
Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)

Chair Meredith
introduced AVP Riveros-Schafer who provided an update on the activities of the
ORSP. The report will be posted on
the ORSP Web site.

from John Kim, AVP of Academic Resources, and Kevin Kelley, Academic
Technology: Update on iLearn and Blackboard

Chair Meredith
introduced AVP Kim and Kevin Kelly, Coordinator of On-line Teaching and
Learning, who gave an update on campus learning management systems. The campus will be converting from
Blackboard to iLearn over the
current semester and summer.

#5—Discussion Item from the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC): Access to




FAC Chair Kohn
facilitated a conversation on the Access to Excellence initiative. He directed Senators to the Academic
Senate Web site to find a link to the on-line forum on the initiative. Chair Kohn also reminded Senators that
the Academic Senate meeting on February 27 will be a town hall style meeting
designed to further discuss the campus response to the system initiative. Finally, he directed the body’s attention
to the topic sign-up sheet being circulated and encouraged Senators to indicate
which topic they would want to participate in.


Williams, Ulasewicz


Senator Williams moved the following resolution:

Whereas: Access
to Excellence is a critically important endeavor to change the strategic plan
of the California State University system, and by association, San Francisco
State University; and

Whereas: The
Academic Senate of SF State is sponsoring a Town Hall meeting on February 27th
from 2 to 5 p.m., which will facilitate a dialogue between members of the SF
State academic community; and

Whereas: SF
State senators may be tempted to use February 27th as a
holiday. Be it

Resolved: That
the Academic Senate at SF State strongly implores its membership to attend the
Access to Excellence Town Hall meeting in lieu of a regularly scheduled
senate meeting.

The motion was seconded
by Senator Ulasewicz.

The resolution was
approved with dissent.


#6—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Resolution on Contract


Yee, Davis m/s/p

Statewide Senator Yee
introduced the item. The motion
was seconded by Senator Davis.

The item was moved to
second reading.


The resolution was
approved unanimously.


AGENDA ITEM #7 Recommendation from the
Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Certificate
in Music Recording Industry, College of Extended Learning.


Levy,Daley m/s/p



CRAC Chair Levy
introduced the item along with Dean Gail Whitaker and Associate Dean Jim Bryan
to speak to the item.


The item was moved to
second reading.

The revisions were
approved unanimously.


#8—Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Proposed Revisions to the
Academic Senate Bylaws.


Whalen, Velez m/s/p


APC Chair Whalen introduced
the item.


Chair Meredith clarified that
the revisions would be considered in two parts.


The first item was moved to
second reading.

The revision was approved


Whalen, Velez m/s/p

APC Chair Whalen introduced
the second revision.


The item was moved to second


The revision was approved


ITEM #9— ADJOURNED—3:32 p.m.



Meeting Date (Archive)