Minutes: November 19th, 1996

Minutes of November 19, 1996 Senate Meeting

The Academic Senate was called to order by Chair Mark Phillips at 2:10 p.m.

Senate Members Present: Gerrie Baughman, Marian Bernstein, Mark

Blank, Yu-Charn Chen, Robert Cherny, Jerry Duke, Will Flowers, Helen Gillotte,

Helen Goldsmith, Peter Haikalis, Ann Hallum, Gary Hammerstrom, Caroline Harnly,

David Hemphill, Marlon Hom, Bonnie Homan, William Hopkins, Rick Houlberg, Dane

Johnson, James Kelley, Wanda Lee, Hollis Matson, Eunice McKinney-Aaron, Eugene

Michaels, Ken Monteiro, Mark Phillips, Elisabeth Prinz, Mario Rivas, Roberto

Rivera, Jay Schrock, Don Scoble, Hamid Shahnasser, Anita Silvers, Peggy Smith,

Lee Sprague, Lana Thomson, Thaddeus Usowicz, Marilyn Verhey, Patricia Wade,

Mary Ann Warren, Penelope Warren, Nancy Wilkinson, Alfred Wong, George Woo.

Senate Members Absent: Darlene Yee(exc.), Sally Berlowitz, Ken

Fehrman(exc.), Dawn Terrell(exc.), Sanjoy Banerjee, Mohsen Naser-Tavakolian,

Jennifer Hammett, Mary Ann Haw(exc.), Lois Lyles(exc.), Todd Imahori, Thomas

La Belle(exc.), Patricia Bartscher(exc.), Robert Corrigan(exc.), Michelle Cheng,

Eric Hammer.

Senate Interns Present: Jaymee Sagisi.

Guests: P. Vaughn, V. Lane, J. Kassiola, G. Whitaker, V. Thompson,

E. Seibel, S. Taylor, K. Bomar, D. Fox, P. McGee, B. Loewy, A. Machung, D. Piontkowski,

C. Peterson, P. Duvanced, C. Anderson.

Announcements and Report

Chair's Report

  • Senators should have their pictures taken either after the Senate

    meeting today or tomorrow, Wednesday, November 20 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. in

    AV 4.

  • Nomination forms for members of a Search Committee for Director of

    University Development have been distributed to faculty. Please forward nominations

    including self-nominations to the Academic Senate Office.

  • Chair Phillips welcomed the new Staff Council representative to the

    Academic Senate: Senator Gerrie Baughman/Housing and Residential Services;

  • A new Enrollment Planning Committee has been established. This committee

    is designed to create a data base, to analyze that data, and to recommend

    alternative policies and/or actions related to affecting levels of student

    enrollment and its composition in the University.The establishment of this committee recognizes that:

    • Enrollment planning and management are areas of significance for the

      viability of the campus and are in need of expertise through systematic

      attention and analysis;

    • Access through recruitment, application and enrollment rates are inherently

      associated with the mission of the institution and the deployment of its


    • Issues such as application deadlines and processes need to be analyzed

      as they are associated with issues like enrollment mix by quality, background,

      identity, level, field, programs, and status;

    • Retention efforts, time to degree, and graduation rates are also associated

      with enrollment and need to be assessed on a regular basis;

    • Freshmen, transfer, and graduate student enrollment and composition

      are in need of analysis to determine trends;

    • Demand for courses of instruction needs to be assessed to increase student

      satisfaction and match student demand with availability;

    • Leroy Morishita has agreed to serve as chair. Other members of the committee

      include Lorraine Dong/Asian American Studies; John Gemello/Academic Resources;

      James Kelley/Science & Engineering; Hollis Matson/Space Management;

      Ken Monteiro/

      Psychology; Jake Perea/Education; Donna Schafer/Graduate Division; Andrew

      Som/University and Budget Planning; Lee Sprague/Associated Students; and

      Jo Volkert/Extended Education.

  • Reading portions of a memo from Pamela Vaughn/Classics regarding the tenure

    situation at the University of Minnesota, Chair Phillips

    reported that according to the New York Times, the University of Minnesota's

    governing board of regents has abandoned a plan to make it easier to dismiss

    tenured professors from most of its campuses, but it passed such a measure

    for the law school. The University's president condemned the regents' plan,

    stating that the University would not be able to compete in the academic market-place

    and that such action would bring serious, unnecessary and lasting damage to

    the University's campuses throughout the state. The faculty were not unionized,

    but are now moving to do so, which will, as far as the regents are concerned,

    bring more controversy in the form of collective bargaining, etc.;

  • A reminder that the up-coming Cornerstones conference in Monterey

    will be in February, 1997;

  • There have been several inquiries regarding Senate policy on sabbatical

    leaves which has not been amended since 1981. The Senate office is checking

    out this policy and its implementation.

Chair Phillips yielded the floor to Vice President for Business &

Finance Don Scoble who commented on his decision to remain at SFSU and

not accept a position with the University of Alaska-Anchorage.

Associated Students President Lee Sprague commented on changes in personnel

in the Associated Students. He introduced Corporate Secretary Pablo Duvanced

and Program Coordinator Chris Peterson.

Agenda Item #1 - Approval of Agenda for Meeting of November 19, 1996

The agenda was approved as printed.

Agenda Item #2 - Approval of Minutes for Meeting of November 5, 1996

The minutes were approved as printed.

Agenda Item #3 - Report from Statewide Senators

Statewide Senators Hammerstrom, Cherny, and Monteiro commented on the

CSU Academic Senate's meeting of November 7-8, 1996. They referred to the Senate's

Report, attached to the day's agenda. Items touched on include preparations

for the Cornerstones meeting in February, 1997; since last February, half of

each Fall meeting has focused on the nature of the BA; action items include

one on "ownership of New Works at the University: Unbundling of Rights

and the Pursuit of Higher Learning," an International Programs Policy Statement;

a resolution on the CSU Presidents' Group on Teacher Preparation and K-18 Education;

and resolutions acknowledgment of the receipt of the draft document produced

by CSU-SUNY-CUNY joint committee on distance learners, and one received on "The

Academic Library on the Information Age: Changing Roles."

Agenda Item #4 - Proposed Minor in California Studies

This item was introduced by CRAC Chair Ann Hallum. She identified resource

persons including BSS Dean Joel Kassiola, BSS Associate Dean Susan Taylor, Senator

Cherny, and Ethnic Studies Dean Phil McGee. Hallum indicated that this was a

free-standing interdisciplinary minor which was to be administered jointly by

the Colleges of BSS and Humanities. The proposed minor will establish a curriculum

that permits students to pursue a directed program of interdisciplinary study

focused on California, and to permit that program to appear on the students'

transcripts. Senator Woo inquired about the number of courses that needed

to be developed.

Matson/Hopkins moved the item to second reading. This passed and after

several additional questions the Senate moved to its Time Certain.

Agenda Item #5 - Proposed Master Plan Projection: BA in Child and Adolescent


CRAC Chair Hallum indicated that this was a degree program which will be

developed and staffed by faculty from the Colleges of Behavioral and Social

Sciences, Education, Ethnic Studies, Health and Human Services, and Humanities.

Administratively, the degree is to be housed in the Marian Wright Edelman Institute

for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families. Becky Loewy is Chair of the

Project Committee.

Smith/Hopkins moved this item to second reading. This was approved.

As there was no discussion in second reading, Matson/Gillotte moved to

close debate. This was approved, and the proposal was approved unanimously.

The Senate then returned to its second reading on agenda item #4. Hallum

indicated that courses will have a variety of functions; will be a part of majors

and minors; and possibly will be eligible for General Education Credit.

Matson/Hopkins then moved approval. This was approved with two abstentions.

Agenda Item #6 - Proposed 1998-99 Academic Calendar

APC Chair Peggy Smith introduced this item, indicating Anne Machung,

Director of Academic Services as resource.

After a few questions, Michaels/Gillotte moved the item to second reading.

This was approved. Another question involved why there was a review day in the

Spring semester but not one in the Fall.

Michaels/Hopkins moved to close debate. This was approved and the item

was approved unanimously, after which Anne Machung was thanked for her work

on the calendar.

Agenda Item #7 - Report from Asilomar Retreat Co-Chair Pamela Vaughn

Asilomar Retreat Co-Chair Pamela Vaughn presented an overview of the

coming retreat which is being held at Asilomar on January 19-22, 1997. Vaughn

indicated that the program is in its final stages of preparation. She identified

a number of areas of focus for the retreat: the CSU BA, Cornerstones, CUSP,

an open forum on Proposition 209, efforts to improve advising, and the Phillips/Kaplan

News Hour. The Retreat is primarily for rest and renewal. She indicated that

the final registration deadline is December 13, 1996.

Agenda Item #8 - CUSP Up-Date

Chair Phillips indicated that the Senate Executive Committee is now

actively involved in providing feedback to CUSP and that the various College

Councils are also participating in this effort. Matson commented on various

aspects of the chapter on the Mission Statement. In response to a question regarding

the proposed growth from 20,000 to 25,000 FTE, Matson commented that this subject

continues to appear, but it has not been agendized by CUSP. There were then

a number of question having to do with the projected growth to 25,000 FTE, the

need for an environmental study prior to making this decision, the use of the

phrase "non-traditional faculty," the phrase "committed to teaching"

but no reference to research; also no reference to diversity of age among both

students and faculty. Senator Michaels suggested that new goals had been

added to the basic mission. Senator Cherny then questioned the second

paragraph on page three, wondering why there was an absence of the phrase "quality

faculty." He also questioned the phrase "paradigm shift..."

Other questions focused on the suggestion that we should focus on what we

are, not on what we aren't, that growth in FTE should be tied to adequate funding.

Finally, it was suggested that it would be helpful to have drafts such as this

with the agenda--in advance of the Senate meeting--to facilitate discussion.

The Academic Senate was adjourned at 3:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

William Hopkins

Secretary to the Faculty

Meeting Date (Archive)