Graduate Council

WHO is in G.C.?

Graduate Council 2023-2024
Name Position Information Contact

Lutfus Sayeed

  • 2023-2026
  • LFCOB representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term

Diana Chu

  • 2021-2024
  • COSE
  • COSE representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term

Valeri Soe

  • 2023-2026
  • CoES
  • CoES representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term


  • 2020-2023
  • GCOE
  • GCOE representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term


M. Ernita Joaquin

  • 2022-2025
  • HSS
  • HSS representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term

Leah Wingard

  • 2022-2025
  • LCA
  • LCA representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 3 year term

Lily Chen

  • 2022-2025
  • COSE


  • Academic Senate Representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 1 year term

Priya Abeywickrama

  • 2021-2024
  • LCA
  • Academic Senate Representative
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 1 year term

Ishank Aggarwal

  • Spring 2020
  • ASI
  • ASI representative
  • Graduate student
  • 1 year term

Noah Price

  • AA
  • Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Ex-Officio member


  • 2020-2021
  • Educational Policies Council appointee
  • Faculty member, department w/grad program
  • 1 year term

WHAT does G.C. do?

The Graduate Council serves as the "...primary advisory body to the Dean of Graduate Studies and University-wide administrators in the broad areas related to graduate education."  Want to learn more?

Take a look at Senate Policy #S18-265Graduate Council


WHEN does G.C. meet?

Please contact the Senate Office at for more information.

HOW can I get involved in G.C.?

As a SFSU community member, your contribution to the shared governance of our University is always appreciated.  If you are interested in serving on the Graduate Council, please contact the Senate Office at