April 22, 2014



Tuesday, April 22, 2014



2:00 – 5:00 p.m.



OPEN FLOOR PERIOD:  2:00 - 2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators.  Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.

CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.



Alvarenga, Gabriela

Avani, Nathan

Azadpur, Mohammad

Barranco, Joseph

Bettinger, Chris

Boyle, Andrea

Carleton, Troi

Chen, Lily

Cholette Susan

Clavier, Sophie

Collins, Robert

Cortez, Ronald 

Davila, Brigette

Doan, Therese




Donohue, Patricia

Gamboa, Yolanda

Ganji, Ahmad

Getz, Trevor

Hackenberg, Sara

Hammer, Mike

Hanley, Lawrence

Harris, Shimina

Hellman, David

Holzman, Barbara

Howard, Pamela

Kilday-Hicks, Russel

Levy, Eileen

Mendolla, Paul



Pasion, Sally

Pelaud, Isabelle

Robertson, Bruce

Rosser, Sue

Sigmon, Mark

Soltani, Sonya

Stowers, Genie

Trogu, Pino

Usowicz, Thaddeus

Vasche, Jason

Wanek, Linda

Wilckzak, Cynthia

Yoo, Grace


Absences: Anderson, David(abs); Alamilla Boyd, Nan (exc); Baines, AnnMarie (abs); Bartscher, Patricia (exc); Chang, Sandy (abs); Ginwala, Cyrus (abs); Hill, Lorna (exc); Lau, Jenny (exc); Lewis, Julia (abs); Li, Wen-Chao (abs): McDougal, Serie (abs); Monteiro, Ken (exc); Strong, Robert (exc); Tumbat, Gulnur (exc); (abs); Williams, Robert (abs); Wong, Les (exc); Yee-Melichar Darlene (exc)




Guests: Brian Donovan, Helen Goldsmith, Lupita Sanchez, Pamela Vaughn, Shawn Whalen



Stowers- Workshop sponsored by ORSP this Thursday, 10AM on Tableau data visualization and mapping software. Great support, free software licenses for students.

Collins- screening of Black Fatherhood Project, 4/24, Jack Adams Hall, 2-4PM

Ginwala can’t be here today, Collins substituting for him.

May 6th last Senate meeting of 2013-2014 Senate; May 13th, will seat 2014-2015 Senate.


AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for March 18, 2014 and April 8, 2014

Corrections? Minutes approved as submitted.


AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for April 22, 2014

Any changes? Hearing none, agenda approved.


AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report

1. April 10, hosted statewide campus senators meeting here; informative meeting, good discussion about shared governance and budgeting.

2. UCorp meeting- $320K of Franciscan Shops left; exploring ways to distribute monies, such as need-based textbook stipend.

3. Commend Sonya Soltani- extremely important and committed member of this year’s Senate. She sacrificed her valuable time, congratulate her as she moves on to next level of civic and community engagement.


AGENDA ITEM #4—Report: Standing Committee Chairs —Brief Updates


1. APC- Bettinger, three items to Senate- honorary titles, calendar revision, intellectual property. Meeting with Dean of UGS to turn 7th cycle guidelines into a handbook.

2. CRAC- Barranco- no report at this time

3. FAC- Baines- not here today. Hackenberg- discussed electronic WPAF’s at last week’s meeting

4. SIC- Carleton- met with Ron Cortez and Ann Sherman to discuss recommendations of report on informal dispute resolution processes. Summary: HR centralized clearing house and provider of information; website for pathways to informal resolution; HR put into place structural and procedural firewalls for formal/informal processes; make training available to deans, chairs, managers on informal; all new employees get orientation on conflict resolution on campus. Closed survey on service; 290 respondents. SIC looking at data, preliminary report at last meeting of this year.

5. SAC- Mendolla- Posthumous degree policy, presenting to Senate on May 6th



AGENDA ITEM #5—Report: Sonya Soltani, VP of External Affairs, ASI


Waiting for technology. AS student government at SFSU. VP of External Affairs, voice of student interests, ensure we are being true to diverse students body by advocating for their shared interests. Over 200 student organizations on campus. All on line if you want to read about it.


Enhanced Auxiliary Synergy- variety of auxiliaries on campus, non-profits; SFSU has two student auxiliaries, Student Center and Associated Students. Gone through the motions to see that they create one large vibrant student auxiliary. Effective date, July 1, 2014. Presented Governance Organizational Chart of new student auxiliary. Expand leadership opportunities for students. Staff organization chart approved last week so everyone can keep their current job.

External Affairs VP- worked on variety of things this year- Voter Reg, Town Halls, public speaking, City Hall, advocacy trainings. Discounted universal transit passes for students between BART and Muni.

Established Lobby Corps, went to Assembly Budget Hearings for CSU budget increase.

Divestment resolution from fossil fuels- bringing to monthly CA State Student Association. Went to BoT meeting with Pres. Wong. Discussing highly controversial Student Success Fees, putting forth resolution on this. Student Involvement and Representation Fees- $4 a year. Looking to implement this. Hasn't been passed by BoT.

Asked for additional $95M to be added to Gov’s Budget Proposal. Many legislators receptive to student requests. Will find out tomorrow whether they’re going to be making recommendation for budget increase.



AGENDA ITEM #6 – Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Resolution on Honorary Titles, 2nd reading 


Sen. Bettinger- moved. Saw this previously as resolution that establishes guidelines for giving honorary titles, e.g. clinical, adjunct, in-residence, distinguished. Returns in second reading in exact same form.

Betz- Line 33, replace distinguished with extraordinary, same on Line 36. Motion seconded. We have distinguished faculty already, winners of distinguished faculty awards, minimize confusion with these faculty. Ayes have it, amendment carries.

Return in second reading, further discussion? No further discussion. Motion carries as amended.


AGENDA ITEM #7— Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Academic Calendar Policy, #S11-242, 2nd Reading


Sen. Bettinger- returns in second reading. Four sets of questions in first reading. Rationale of college deans for their request for change- Dean Linda Oubre here to speak to this change. Speaking for the policy. Motion passes.


AGENDA ITEM #8 – Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Intellectual Property Policies and Procedures, #F09-253, 1st Reading


Sen. Bettinger- moved item. Policy does not mention software currently; Line 104, software is noted as item that is copyright-able; Lines 52-53, makes clear that copyright adheres to work when fixed in digital or non-digital format.

Sen. Hellman- phono-records work not accurate; use audio recordings instead.

Sen. Vasch- music cataloguer, phono-records by definition analog, so can’t be digital.

Sen. Holzman- move item to second reading, seconded, moved to second reading.

Now in second reading:

Debate should be held to arguments for or against the motion or amendments to motion.

Donahue- Item 2, Lines 49-53, defines works that can be copyright-able; insert item 9 in Line 50: original digitally authored artifacts. Seconded. Discussion? Bettinger- neutral on motion, but line is a quote from US Code, so addition would have to be outside that quote. Further discussion? Ayes have it- motion carries. Item amended.

Further discussion?
Sen. Howard- make a motion to amend, remove the digitally authored artifacts and put in last line 52-53. Eliminate Item 9 from line 50 and move it to Line 52, copies, phonorecords and digitally authored artifacts. No second, so motion will not be discussed.

Sen. Hammer- strike language just voted on and suggest that in Line 52, copy or audio recording for first time, copies or audio recordings can be digital.

Sen. Getz- as currently stands, we are defining what copyright is, now we are changing it so added language is definition for us and not adding to US Copyright Law.

Sen. Bartscher- vote down amendments; can’t look at copyright statute to see if it attaches to something; recommend we vote it down to see if amended language falls within copyright quote or not.

Sen. Donohue- copyright for different formats, texts, audio, AV, other digital formats.

Sen. Vasch- against the motion because as librarian and bibliographer, there is better language that can be used to describe the works.

Motion- replace phono records with audio recordings

Sen. Stowers- move to table indefinitely and send back to committee; urge individuals who have amendments send to committee to be evaluated and checked against proper terminology so the policy does what we want it to do.

AYES have it- motion tabled and will return at some future date.



AGENDA ITEM #9— Recommendation from the Academic Senate Executive Committee: Resolution in Support of ASCSU Resolution on Facilitation of Communication between ASCSU and Faculty (AS-3162-14/FA), consent item 


Sen. Pelaud- Motion carries.


AGENDA ITEM #10— Recommendation from the Academic Senate Executive Committee: Proposed Resolution in Honor of Professor Pamela Vaughn, consent item


Sen. Collins presented Resolution. So moved. Line 38 should say “classicist”. It has been my greatest honor to serve our faculty and my greatest joy to teach our students.


AGENDA ITEM #11— Recommendation from the Academic Senate Executive Committee: Proposed Resolution in Honor of Professor Andrea Renwanz Boyle, consent item 


Sen. Stowers- move resolution. Thank you from Sen. Boyle


AGENDA ITEM #12—Adjournment—no later than 5:00p.m.


Move to adjourn- 3:33PM


Meeting Date (Archive)