WHO is in F.S.A.C.?
Name | Position Information | Contact |
Fang-yu Chou (chair)
fchou@sfsu.edu |
Tonya Foster
tmfoster@sfsu.edu |
Tamara Spencer
tspencer@sfsu.edu |
Sheldon Gen
Darleen Franklin
WHAT does F.S.A.C. do?
The Faculty and Staff Awards Committee "...promotes, selects, and recognizes SFSU faculty with a distinguished track record of teaching, professional development, and service." Learn more about F.S.A.C. here:
Senate Policy #F18-233, Faculty and Staff Awards Committee
WHEN does F.S.A.C. meet?
The Faculty and Staff Awards Committee meets as needed. Please contact the Senate Office at senate@sfsu.edu for more information.
HOW can I get involved in F.S.A.C.?
As a SFSU community member, your contribution to the shared governance of our University is always appreciated. If you are interested in serving on the Faculty and Staff Awards Committee, please contact the Senate Office at senate@sfsu.edu.