Academic Senate Meeting Minutes 9/22


Tuesday, September 22, 2015


2:00 – 5:00 p.m.

OPEN FLOOR PERIOD:  2:00 - 2:10 p.m.

The Open Floor Period provides an informal opportunity for faculty members to raise questions or make comments directed to Senate officers or to university administrators.  Please arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m.



Azadpur, Mohammad

Bartscher, Patricia

Bloom, Gilda

Brown, Elizabeth

Carleton, Troi

Carrillo, Sandra

Collins, Robert

Cortez, Ron

Davila, Brigitte

De Barros, Jose Acacio

Denetclaw, Wilfred

Drennan, Marie

Ergul, Mehmet

Gen, Sheldon

Gerber, Nancy

Hackenberg, Sara

Hammer, Mike

Hanley, Lawrence

Hasheminia, Hamed

Hollis, Tanya

Howard, Pamela

Lewis, Julia

Lisy-Wagner, Laura

Mays, Chris

Mitchell, Marilyn

Mooney, Dylan

Nizardini, Richard

Pasion, Sally



Ritter, Michael

Rosegard, Erik

Rosser, Sue

Sabee, Christina

Schwartz, Kim

Shapiro, Jerry

Teh, Kwok-Siong

Trogu, Pino

Van Dam, Mary Ann

Weinberger, Christopher

Yee-Melichar, Darlene

Zink, Attila


Absences: Alamilla Boyd, Nan (abs); Alvarez, Alvin (abs); Castillo, Karla (exc); Davis, Patricia (abs); Doan, Therese (abs); Dye, Phoebe (abs); Furuse, Tae (abs); Hill, Lorna (abs); Hoxter, Julian (abs); Lebuhn, Gretchen (abs); Le, Mai Nhung (abs); Merchant, Zahira (abs); Reyes, Belinda (abs); Robertson, Bruce (abs); Steier, Saul (abs); Summit, Jennifer (exc); Turner, Sharlana (abs); Usowicz, Thad (abs); Wong, Les (abs);

Visitors: Alex, Katz, Ann Hallum, Shawn Whalen

CALL TO ORDER: 2:10 p.m.


Darlene Yee-Melichar: Invitation to participate in the HE-TAP 3 day workshop Sept. 23 to 25; The Health Education Technical Assistance Project will have sessions with federal grant-makers and regional officials, guidance on preparing competitive research proposals, workshops on health disparities programs and partnership opportunities, networking events. Please try and come for at least an hour, day or for whatever time your schedule allows.

AGENDA ITEM #1—Approval of the Minutes for September 8, 2015

Corrections to the minutes made; minutes approved


AGENDA ITEM #2—Approval of the Agenda for September 22, 2015

Agenda approved by acclamation


AGENDA ITEM #3—Chair’s Report

Senate Website: Overhauling website; Emily is exploring ways to make more transparent – please forward suggestions to

Policy Cleanup: investigating the sun-setting of and amendments to Senate policies, The standing committee revisiting charges

Transparency: As mentioned previously, we will have a space for President Wong to address a question or issue in the “What’s New?” section. President Wong will answer on a regular basis the most frequently asked questions. This time we have President Wong discussing the 97 million allotted to the CSU system and how that will be dispersed.

New Senators: Welcome our latest Senators new senators Tanya Hollis (LIB) and Pamela Howard (LIB)


AGENDA ITEM #4— Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Proposed Resolution in Support of Ethnic Studies (first reading)

Sen. Hanley moves the proposed resolution and Sen. Collin approves.

Senator Hanley speaks to resolution and Senator Collins moves resolution to 2nd reading, Sen. Denetclaw seconds, Passes to 2nd reading.

Sen. Hammer proposes language: prior to the whereas clause explaining the history, role and contributions of Ethnic Studies programs

Senator Mays seconds, Resolution unanimously approved


AGENDA ITEM #5—Information Item: Chancellor’s Office approval of the 'Environmental Science' degree

Sen. Rosegard moved, Sen. Sabee seconded, floor yielded by Sen. Rosegard to Jerry Davis who explained the BS in Environmental Science and Management

The Chancellor’s office liked the proposal for the B.S., but requested it be simplified to environmental science. Jerry Davis accepted this modification.


AGENDA ITEM #6—Resolution for Shawn Whalen commending him for his service to San Francisco State University

Passes by Senate acclamation, Resolution read by Sen. Collins.


AGENDA ITEM #7—Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Proposed Revisions to the Committee Charge (first reading) Rosegard moves to 1st reading, made changes re history and

New Charge:

  • add certification into bullet #1
  • we no longer have a lit committee and we have separate course committees to review all submissions
  • ensure appropriate consultation deleted comment  in order to eliminate courses and added library in favor of programs and move to second reading 
  • Darlene/Rob passes 2nd reading:
  • Suggestion that graduate Dean Ann Hallum be added to non-voting members, Darlene seconds
  • Question about who exactly comprises CRAC as it may be unnecessary to have Graduate Dean as permanent member, as the Dean may be needed on an occasional basis.
  • This is an amendment and although 16 to 15 in favor, it need to be 2/3 vote; amendment fails
  • Unanimous on approving new charge of CRAC


AGENDA ITEM #8 —Nominations to Committees    

  • Board of Appeals and Review: (1 positions, 2015-2017; one stand-in for committee member on leave, F2015

    • Need nominations from the floor
  • Enrollment Management: (1 position, 2015-2016(department chair); 1 position 2014-2017; 1 position, 2015-2018)

    • Anita Silvers (see position statement) elected by acclamation
    • Wanda Lee elected by acclamation
    • Chair position: nomination of Mohammed Salamma


Sen. Collins, Sen. Ritter and and Sen. Yee-M weighed in on variety of topics; 4 of the 5 resolutions are pertinent

There are significant bills facing the legislature that are of interest to the Statewide Academic Senate

  • Resolutions were passed to support suspension of the current exit exam requirement for high school graduation, gun-free school zones. 
  • pilot program to speed up courses,  but STATWAY bypasses algebra req. courses.
  • Resolution passed to suspend CSU HR background check policy and requests establishment of a joint ASCSU-Chancellor’s task force to study the policy and make recommendations regarding the appropriateness of background checks for specific areas of faculty responsibility

    • for example: Faculty studying Palestine, gender, disaggregate motive from activistic scholarship – is this a violation of academic freedom?
  • Resolution calls to advocate for the addition of an emeritus/emerita faculty member to the CSU Board of Trustees.  In addition, the resolution requests that the Chancellor’s Office support legislation amending Section 66602 of the Education Code to include an emeritus/emerita faculty as a voting member of the CSU Board of Trustees. 


  • The Fiscal & Government Affairs examined the CSU Sustainable Financial Model report.  The Committee subsequently identified several areas of concern with the current draft that will be forwarded to the Executive Committee, as requested.

    • financial sustainability P3 problem Sac state example
    • little time was given to comment or question, but how will this plan address the Masterplan for Higher Education? How is it going to address access? Affordability?
  • Please comment on the above to the three SFSU statewide senators


AGENDA ITEM #10—Standing Committee Reports

  • APC: Sen. Hammer revisiting probation policy – main priority
  • CRAC: a few curriculum proposals in meantime, looking at leapfrog technologies for courseleaf, analyzing curriculum review process
  • FAC: updating temp faculty evaluations because not in compliance, wants senate lecturer to join
  • SIC: developing report on workplace equity ideas to include concerns from staff faculty and grad TA’s
  • SAC: two items in next two plenaries: preferred names on roster and ilearn, etc; and resolution on bullying


Question for FAC on E-WPAF steering committee working on it, working on plan for committee , didn’t have personnel to spare to add FAC committee member; lecturer evaluation pushed as priority


AGENDA ITEM #11— Adjournment—no later than 5:00pm

Davila moved to adjourn; Carleton seconded

Meeting Date (Archive)